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Monday, October 19, 2009

Snow in October ? – It must be Globaloney Warming !

Lord Monckton sees the cult for what it is – eco-fascist nonsense.

by StFerdIII


The eco-fascists better hurry up and re-brand Globaloney Warming under the banner of 'Climate Change'. From 1945 to 1975 and from 1998 to 2009 the Earth's temperature dropped whilst Co2 increased. Considering that the natural biomass accounts for some 96% of Co2 emissions and man's activities a paltry 4 % the eco-fascists have a real conundrum. Why isn't Mother Earth cooperating with heating up the planet like a popcorn bag in a microwave ? The cult has a lot of rebranding to do. 

L Ron Gore the eco-whore has gone from a $2 million net worth to over $200 million. Not bad for a scam. One of the largest in history of course. But how to perpetuate the myth of Globaloney-something or other when the facts, reality, past history and common sense all conspire against the theory that a natural chemical output of climate; 96% of which is derived from natural vegetation is causing the earth to heat up? Only the most nescient and brain-washed of the eco-fascists buys into such nonsense.

So the rebranding into 'Climate Change' accelerates. The earth's climate has never been stable. It is not Malta's environment of 21 C year around, writ large for the globe. The climactic norm is of course an ice age. Consider some decidedly unstable climactic events:

-The Arctic pole was at the equator 300 million years ago and was a thriving tropical landscape. It migrated to its current position and its ice span has not changed much in 100 years of recorded measurements. It shrinks in the summer and expands in the winter. Antarctica is at its largest extent ever recorded.

-The last ice age ended some 12.000 years ago with the Mediterranean basin being flooded by the high rising waters of the Black Sea crashing through the Bosporus, and the Atlantic gushing in through Gibraltar. This massive relocation and increase of water gave rise to many an epic narrative about a 'Great Flood' including that of Noah and his ark. The entire lowlands around the Mediterranean area would have been devastated by this onrush of water – destroying villages, homes and centres of human existence.

-In AD 79 there was a vast tectonic plate shift which caused the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of a major Japanese urban centre on Okinawa. Perhaps the oldest city on earth – built in Japan some hundreds of years before Jericho – lies at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

-The 1300 B.C. cataclysm of Thera erupting and wiping out Minoan Crete, also heralded vast changes in climate which emptied urban Hittite centres in Turkey of their populations and presaged the Egyptian wars against the 'Sea Peoples' and the colonization by Greek Phoenicians of the Levant. Moses' escape with his Hebrew throng, through the Sea of Reeds [not the Red Sea of course] probably occurred at this time.

-From 2007 to 2009 it has consistently snowed in parts of the world in which such an event is a rarity and yesterday there was vast snowfalls in North America – in the middle of October – a historical oddity.

So since when has climate been stable ?

For those who like to think for themselves and ignore L Ron Gore's Globaloney-whatever fear mongering there is a great presentation by Lord Monckton' – a former British politician and member of Thatcher's government. He understands the intent of the eco-fascist cult. To spread fear, mis-information and alarmism – and to profit thereby. More taxes, more regulations and more state power – all to resolve the 'crisis' of the modern world and eradicate evil carbons from our existence.  [See Monckton's presentation here:

Interviewed by Michael Coren on Canadian TV the reality seeker Lord Monckton said the following:

"Take the example of the medieval warm period," he says. "The bedwetters tell us that this was brief and irrelevant. Yet if we look at history we see it wasn't brief and is certainly relevant. Climate does change but it's minor and it has little if anything to do with man's intervention." A brief pause. "It's about money and control. There is a lot of money to be made out of the so-called green economy and it allows people to tell us what to do-which is what some people relish doing."

He continues: "Remember DDT, the pesticide used to kill mosquitoes that carried malaria. Jackie Kennedy read a book saying it was harmful, got her husband the president to bring pressure to have it banned and in 40 years 40 million people, mainly children, died. Now we've come to our senses and re-introduced it but only after the fashionable left did their damage.

"Global warming is similar. It makes no sense, is bad science and policies to deal with it will cause terrible problems. People are being indoctrinated and critics are intimidated into silence." Is he annoyed at his opponents' refusal to take him on? "Actually I'm rather delighted. It means I'm winning."

Monckton is right. Globaloney Warming is about power, money, control, taxation, redistribution of income and the trappings of a one-world UN based governance. It is absurd, immoral, dumb and irrational.

So if it snows in October that means Co2 is to blame ? Please outline the logic and science for this. There is no substitute for facts, intelligence and thinking for oneself. Monckton makes this case rather explicitly.