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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Globaloney Warming and the settling of Post-modern 'Science'.

The science is settled alright – settled right into corrupted irrelevance.

by StFerdIII


Climate-Gate has made science a laughing-stock. Little academic and political minds cooking up theories and numbers to justify Eco-Fascist alarmism – all with designs to create a Marxist Eco-topia in the name of serving Mother Earth. Science in other words subverted by politics and greed. Science corrupted by power and money. Science made as irrelevant as any other Post-Modern theology of nonsense. Science regressed to the pre-modern world. No one will ever trust either the scientific 'community' or claims that 'science' has settled any matter, again.

The science of climate can never be settled. The Earth is not a greenhouse, it is a complex of variables engaged in a convection process. Toss in little factors like the Sun, oceanic movements, and the thousands of variables at play in the Troposphere and there is no possibility of modeling climate so that any theory is 'settled' and agreed upon. Just the very idea that something as complicated as climate or any theology about changing climate is 'scientifically settled' is preposterous and just plain dumb.

So what do the little Eco-Fascist minds do ? They play 'science' like a fiddle. Politicians and governments hand over billions to institutes and researchers. In return for money they want support. Academics, fat and prosperous on the public gravy-train force numbers to justify Warming fears. They corrupt data. They manipulate databases. They distort. When asked for back-up and source material, they claim that the original source data is lost. They slander and viciously assault anyone who disputes their 'claims'. The massive complex of Eco-alarmism and Gaia Marxism is fattened with deceit and endless propaganda of doom and destruction.

This is how cult's operate – violence, fear-mongering, propaganda, lies, and theft of money and freedom.

So what do politicians do in the face of overwhelming evidence of scientific fraud and criminality ? With so much invested in the cult they can't turn back now can they ? So on they go, slandering any criticism of their cult, and fixated on remodeling the world in the guise of Eco-Fascist baloney.

The great critic of the Prophet, Michelle Malkin at, rightly ridicules the most-important-man-in-history and his Eco-Fascist zealots for ignoring reality. The politicians, the Earth Czars which now proliferate in every government in the West; the mainstream media which for years has been broadcasting Eco-Fascist propaganda as fact [akin to the BBC in the 1930s re-playing Nazi 'scientific dialecticism' as settled science]; and academic boors and midgets who need to feel relevant and get that upcoming government grant. As Malkin observes:


The science is settled,” we’ve been told for decades by zealous proponents of man-made global warming hysteria. ....You won’t be surprised by the Obama administration’s response to ClimateGate.

....the White House is clinging to the old eco-mantra: The science is settled.
Never mind all the devastating new information about data manipulation, intimidation, and cult-like cover-ups to “hide the decline” in global temperatures over the last half-century, they say. The science is settled.

Never mind what The Atlantic’s Clive Crook, after wading through the climate science email files of the U.K.’s Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, called the overpowering “stink of intellectual corruption” — combined with mafia-like suppression of dissent, suppression of evidence and methods, and “plain statistical incompetence” exposed by the document trove. The science is settled.”


The science is not settled. It rarely is. What is settled is the mafia corruption of Eco-Fascist theology. The entire corpus and nexus of self-interested, narcissistic and self-serving imbeciles, all of whom should be in jail. That is what is settled.

It is clear that modern science is not scientific. It has morphed into just another area of relativity and is now a sub-section of the social sciences. The scientific method was long ago corrupted by post-modern cultural Marxism where facts are ignored and 'precautionary' theories based around relativity are elevated. Science is so corrupted it will take a long time to recover. As Daniel Henninger so correctly wrote in the Wall Street Journal: 


 “What is happening at East Anglia is an epochal event. As the hard sciences—physics, biology, chemistry, electrical engineering—came to dominate intellectual life in the last century, some academics in the humanities devised the theory of postmodernism, which liberated them from their colleagues in the sciences. Postmodernism, a self-consciously "unprovable" theory, replaced formal structures with subjectivity. With the revelations of East Anglia, this slippery and variable intellectual world has crossed into the hard sciences.

This has harsh implications for the credibility of science generally. Hard science, alongside medicine, was one of the few things left accorded automatic stature and respect by most untrained lay persons. But the average person reading accounts of the East Anglia emails will conclude that hard science has become just another faction, as politicized and "messy" as, say, gender studies.”


Henninger makes an obvious but often-times missed point. Science, under the influence of Cultural Marxism, which is the basis of Post-Modern theory, has mutated from a hard subject, to one of the soft-social sciences. In such a venue reality, facts and experimentation, buttressed by the rigors of the scientific method become secondary. 'Precautionary' principles; emotions; relativity; subjectiveness now take priority.

Science has thus metastasized back into a pre-modern form. Science is no longer about discovering physical laws, or the truth. It is simply just another post-modern tool to abuse for political purposes. That is the real scandal which underlays the Globaloney Warming fraud.