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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Globaloney Warming Fraud: Criminal intent.

The offal of the cult runs deep and broad....

by StFerdIII

It is not just the CRU cult center in East Anglia which is implicated in the idiocy of the Globaloney Warming scam – a $150 billion criminality. The media, the educational systems, tax-hungry politicians, the modern Communards and socialists are all involved in the lie of Globaloney Warming. Trillions of dollars are at stake, and the re-ordering of life around a cult ruled by an elite, is now at risk. All of the data, supplied by government institutions have been manipulated and distorted in an attempt to scare the peasant-mass into compliance with the insane and irrational belief that a natural chemical called Co2, 95% of which is emitted by Mother Nature, is somehow shifting climate patterns across the world. A colossal stupidity, which has transpired into creating a colossal fraudulent crime....

The mainstream media will not report on ClimateGate and the obvious revelations detailed in thousands of documents that the 'science' behind Globaloney Warming was nothing of the sort. A criminal conspiracy by a small group of taxpayer hacks illuminates the depravity of the cult and its political masters in national governments, the UN and its media associates. The mainstream media along with government officials have far too much invested in Globaloney Warming to let facts, reality, real science and common-sense get in the way of one-world government; dismembering the modern world; and forcing the average peasant serf into cult worship.

Even NASA venerated for its scientific genius in all matters related to space, is now implicated in data fraud, manipulation and supporting the grotesque lie that a natural chemical called Co2 which is 1% or less of all gaseous emissions, somehow causes climate to 'change'. Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has asked for over 3 years to see NASA's data showing the hottest and coldest years in the US, in the past century.

NASA keeps refusing to release its data. NASA keeps changing its collectivist mind about the hottest and warmest years – a measure by the way which proves nothing – by changing its ranking. In 2007 the agency stated that 1934, not 1998, was the hottest year in its records for the contiguous 48 states. NASA now alleges that 1998 and 2006 are tied for first, with 1934 slightly cooler. In other words it has no clue.


The institute blamed a "minor data processing error" for the changes but says it doesn't make much difference since the top three years remain in a "statistical tie" either way.”


Processing error ?  Ahem.  Sounds like the East Anglia's bug infested, corrupt and entirely unreadable database structure.

If the data is valid, it would of course be released and accessed immediately. And as anyone who is rational knows, listing hot and cold years means little. The only conclusion one will reach is that the climate is decidedly unsettled and no warming trend is discernible.

But the fraud is not only about lying or making up stories about 'hottest years' and than denying to release data to 'deniers' and 'skeptics'. The largest carbon market in the world is in Denmark. Apparently Danish and European police have uncovered the largest carbon trading scam in history – worth billions of dollars. A simple precursor of the corruption of 'markets' which will be enacted by the Eco-Fascist cult once they assume power over industry and society: 


 “Police and authorities in several European countries are investigating scams worth billions of kroner, which all originate in the Danish quota register. The CO2 quotas are traded in other EU countries.

Denmark’s quota register, which the Energy Agency within the Climate and Energy Ministry administers, is the largest in the world in terms of personal quota registrations. It is much easier to register here than in other countries, where it can take up to three months to be approved.

Ekstra Bladet reporters have found examples of people using false addresses and companies that are in liquidation, which haven’t been removed from the register.

One of the cases, which stems from the Danish register, involves fraud of more than 8 billion kroner. This case, in which nine people have been arrested, is being investigated in England.
The market for CO2 trade has exploded in recent years and is worth an estimated 675 billion kroner globally.”


So the entire Co2 trading market worth 675 billion Kroner or about $130 billion USD is a fraud ? Gee what a surprise! That amount matches the $150 billion in direct rich-world subsidies and hand-outs to the entire corpus of Globaloney Warming welfare recipients including universities; corporations; ethanol manufacture and 'clean energy' initiatives.

No wonder the Eco-Fascist cult is so terrified of Climate-Gate. Literally Trillions of dollars are at risk of disappearing. So when facts don't correspond with reality the cult acts as a psychologically disabled person would act: deny, rationalize; slander and spin. Pathologies don't make up science. Cult's are immoral and violent creations. Globaloney Warming is no different than any other intolerant Fascist cult. Climate-Gate makes that clear.