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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Climate-Gate and the end of Globaloney Warming.

The Eco-Cult needs to be extinguished.

by StFerdIII

As CBC commentator Rex Murphy says about Globaloney Warming, 'at least don't call it science'. Rex is right. We need to call Globaloney Warming what it is – the largest transnational fraud in history. All with the design of a Globalist governance engaged in outrageous Marxism designed allegedly to propitiate poor Gaia. Over $150 billion has been stolen from the taxpayers and given to corporations; PR firms; 'institutes'; Carbon 'trading' entrepots, academics and other organizations who supported the bizarre and idiotic notion that a natural chemical called Co2, necessary for life, was a toxin, and that this gas, which is less than 1% of all atmospheric gases was changing Mother Earth's temperature. It is one of the most moronic and yet paradoxically most successful scams and cults in history. It is high time to end it.

The criminality of the cabal is breathless in scope and size. Literally trillions of dollars are at stake, along with social re-engineering and a Globalist World Government centered around Cap and Trade and carbon emissions trading. Yet supporting this destruction of the modern world is nothing more than fraudulent data. As Ken Green of the AEI points out – the CRU and 'climate scientists' at NASA and elsewhere, have a nasty habit of losing data, ignoring requests for information, or just collaborating with the curious. These people are more members of the Church of Eco-Fascist theology, than earnest, honest souls searching for truth and enlightenment:

Canadian Steve McIntyre, a mathematician who used to pick apart graphical representations of data for a living, decided to do something about it....But the climate scientists at CRU and elsewhere have been just as stubborn in fighting McIntyre’s information requests with every excuse they could find.

The main excuse they gave was that some of the raw data had been provided to CRU with conditions that it could not be released to outside parties. ... Surprisingly, within days of Climategate raging across the Internet, the CRU has announced that it got all of those restrictions lifted, and—voila!—is now free to release the data. ....All they claim to have now is data that have been adjusted for a variety of reasons, such as changes in the locations of weather recording stations, urban expansion around weather recording stations, changes in technology used to record temperatures, and so on. However, without the original data, their claim that “the data” show historically unusual warming in the 20th century is likely unverifiable.

.....Similar attention must be turned to climate centers such as NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, home of the deeply partisan, highly political James Hansen; the National Climate Data Center at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, now headed up by the equally partisan and political Jane Lubchenco; and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, home to scientist Tom Wigley, also featured prominently in the Climategate emails. It’s time for climate science to clean house. Researchers at all of these institutions are also frequently in contact with the CRU, and collaborate with CRU researchers. Whatever investigations come of Climategate, they should not stop in the UK.” []

There needs to be investigations alright and jail time.

So let's see – the CRU lost the data. NASA, which was promoting the 90s as the hottest decade on record, now says due to a computer 'error' it was wrong. Only one year in the 90s ranks amongst the hottest in the past century. Lost data, computer problems, dogs eating convenient.

Anyone who is still able to think knows there is no anthropomorphic Globaloney Warming of course. Anyone who has read a basic book on either physical laws or climate determination understands that the Sun, the Ocean currents and more than a million different variables including local climactic conditions or physical thermodynamics cause 'climate' to change. A single large volcanic eruption has more impact on earth's climate than 100 years of human activity. Europe experienced its coldest winter and hottest summer on record in 1783, with thousands dying all thanks to the eruption of an Icelandic volcano. Today that same eruption would be blamed on a natural gas necessary for life – Co2. Science? Please. It sounds more like irrational, idiotic paganism to me.

The entire Eco-Fascist cult is preying on innocent or uninformed minds. The CRU-NASA-UN mantra was and is still, that 'the topic of climate is so esoteric', that there is no possibility of a non-scientist [read government funded hack]; of understanding any of their research or claims. In other words they are too smart for the rest of us. Sorry but that is hogwash. Normal humans using common sense can detect criminality. Data fraud, database manipulation, algorithms designed to push out acceptable answers, 'tricks' to hide temperature declines – all these and more have already been exposed by 'deniers' and 'normal people'.

And isn't it really odd that these 'really smart' people never cooperated with 'inferiors' or released any of their source material to substantiate their claims ? Don't you find it strange that these 'geniuses' who tell us how dumb we all are, do not impress us with their gargantuan minds by telling us how they do things, where the source data comes from and how their models work ? Isn't that just a tad suspicious ?

Even in academia – apparently – if your material is not sourced it is discarded. In academia – apparently – if your ideas are not supported by proper professional and honest research, by peer-accessible reviews, especially by those who disagree with you, and by having your hypothesis being tested by both ends of the mean [positive and negative] by yourself and others, they are thrown out. Just applying the natural and common-sensical processes within academia completely annihilates the work of CRU, NASA and others. In other words – they can't prove that they know anything. What is obvious however, is that they are ideologues manipulating information to suit political masters who then shower taxpayer money upon their institutes. This is of course, criminal.

It is the criminality of the cult which is so clear and which needs to be punished. Rex Murphy is correct – but mild in his criticism. Don't call it science he says. Indeed. But he works for a state run media organization who has invested 10 or 15 years of effort into propagandizing Globaloney Warming and the need to destroy not only human civilization but maybe the human as well, to save little, poor, Mother Earth. Rex can only go so far without having his legs broken by his employer who is an accomplice in the Globaloney Warming fraud.

What is clear is that Globaloney Warming is not science, but a criminal cabal, acting with criminal intent to defraud and feast themselves upon other people's money. These Co2mmunist losers need to see jail for a long time from L Ron Gore the Eco-whore, to David Suzuki the pin-head Canadian geneticist who makes a living off of fear-mongering, to all the 'scientists' aka quacks at the CRU, NASA and anywhere else who committed fraudulent research in order to receive government money. Jail time. The public not only needs its money returned. It needs justice – justice with a sharp sword.