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Monday, September 20, 2010

True Believers of the Eco-cult.

It is quite hard to understand the sordid mentality of the mentally dispossessed.

by StFerdIII


Cults are impossible for the rational to understand. They benefit no-one but their leaders. The followers lose first their money, than their minds, than their souls and conscience and often-times, their lives. Irrational propaganda, myths, hate, psychological derangement and self-interested money and power mongering disfigure the cult and its followers. Globaloney Warming is no different than any other cultish idiocy. It inevitably leads to the creation of a culture of death. The end derivative of UN inspired Globaloney Warming and Mother Earth worship is of course to kill off as many humans as possible. So who will choose who will live or die ?

If you read and listen to the Globaloney Warming alarmists closely you will notice three disturbing features which are portrayed by any cult.

First, there is no rationality whatsoever in any of their arguments but the cult maintains [much as Hitlerism and Stalinism did], that 'science', 'progress' and inevitability are on their side. As ClimateGate, real physics and common sense reveals, the entire corpus of Globaloney Warming alarmism is built on manipulated lies and deceit, as much as Nazi Aryan mythology or Soviet New Worldism was constructed – both of which were ardently supported by Western academics and the media as the best examples of 'social engineering' a better society.

Second, the cult is extremely intolerant to its chosen enemies. For the Nazis it was the Jew. For the Russian Fascists it was 'capitalism' and money. For the Globaloney Warming cult it is anyone who objects to the pagan mysticism that a natural chemical necessary for life is directly linked to climate change, and that the human, which emits 5% of the chemical has any impact on climate at all.

Third, it is the seething hate and violence of the cult which is obvious. Plans to cull the human herd, impose unfettered abortion, limit the number of babies born, and issue Co2 ration cards to every person [excepting the cult leadership which will continue to live in palaces and jet around the world because they are so important] are all in train. Is it not remarkable that the main stream media so focused on 'conservative' or Christian Fascists does not relate the speeches, books, web postings and meetings where destroying human life is being planned ? [Well actually given the uselessness of the MSM it is not surprising – but hey! Those damn Jews are building another apartment on a bird shit covered hillock in the 'occupied' territory, those bloody Fascists!]

So the cult not only persists it expands. The Globalist intention of the Globaloney Warming cult is clear. The ideology of Mother Earth worship is just a means to create a Transnational system of governance; carbon trading; welfare transfers and taxation. That is the goal. It is the creation of a system designed to neuter nation states and render the average free man in the West, a knave of an unelected, unaccountable elite. It is Orwellian and frightening.

Witness the demands by the UN that $60 billion more be given to them to make 'plans' on 'managing' climate change [as if humans can now manage the weather, the seasons, and the winds]:

“An organization representing the grandest ambitions of climate scientists wants Western nations to spend at least $2.1 billion a year for the next five years — and as much as $60 billion overall during that period — to glean huge troves of still undiscovered climate information from the world's land, air and seas.

The information system aims to measure literally everything environmental, from the full amount of plant leaf material in the world's ecosystems to the differences in saltiness throughout the world's oceans to the discharge from every one of the world's major rivers,


But most of all, the titanic effort, the report states, is "essential to support further research, to initialize predictions on timescales out to decades ahead, and for the development of the models used to make these predictions and longer-term scenario-based projections."

The observations it gathers will be "used to assess social and economic vulnerabilities and to develop the actions needed across a broad range of sectors to adapt to climate variability and unavoidable change.

In other words, to encompass the future of the entire planet.”,2933,579956,00.html

The preparatory stages for a World Government. Only a slavering moron mired in Marxist mythology would find that remotely relevant or interesting.

The entire nexus of Globaloney Warming fear mongering is already debunked – which means that the political manifestation of this cult's demands for Globalist governance is pure evil. For example Steven McIntyre reveals the 'tricks' that the Globaloney Warming 'scientists' or hacks used to hide the decline here - The UN-IPCC was complicit in this fraud. In fact it was demanding that the temperature declines being recorded during the 1990s be covered up during a meeting in Tanzania in 1999 [must be nice to jet set around the world on Co2 emitting planes to exotic locales like Tanzania]. Since 1999 of course the global 'mean temperature' – a useless and misleading indicator anyways – has gone down [irregardless of UN claims to the contrary].

From Tanzania to Copenhagen - the small minds of the UN-IPCC now wave graphs in front of TV cameras slobbering that the current decade is now the warmest ever recorded in man's history.

Except of course for the entire Medieval warm period, the decade of 1783; the 1840s; the 1890s; the 1930s; and sundry other decades over the past 150 years. Except for all those exceptions the current decade ending is certainly the warmest on record – or we should say, it has to be to prove the idiocy that a natural chemical necessary for life, which is less than 1% of the gaseous mass in the atmosphere is 'forcing' climate to change through a radiative process which does not exist [the earth is a convection system]. This is mandatory of course for the UN-IPCC to have any relevancy.

The fact that the data supports the opposite conclusion – the earth is actually cooling as Sun spot activity recedes – is unimportant. What is vital is that you the average knave must trust the IPCC – the hide the decline people. They are after all completed disinterested 'scientists' concerned about your health and the fate of Mother Earth.

And if you believe that than you truly are a dunce and a firm supporter of a death cult with designs on managing your entire existence. How very progressive indeed.