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Monday, January 25, 2010

The Left and the Media's 'analysis' of the failed state which is Haiti.

It comes down to – wait – Blame Whitey !!

by StFerdIII

Haiti has been an independent state longer than Mexico. It is a failed nation, the poorest in the Western Hemisphere. For over 3 generations Haitians have been greedily sucking at the international welfare teats of the IMF, World Bank and the US Government. But, if you listen to the Leftards, the Obamed-cult supporters, the 20-something airheads with their state-college Political Science degrees, the wailing media; and of course the baritone voiced academics – Haiti's problems all stem from the evils of capitalism, US imperialism, Whitey culture and neo-imperialist savagery. Such concepts only serve to reinforce the fact that Left-wing ideology is a mental disease.

Haiti has been the recipient just in the past 10 years, from both private and public sources, for both emergency and for non-emergency aid; of some $4 billion. That is over $400 for every man, woman and child of the 9 million population. Yet not a damn thing has been done with the money.

Compare Haiti to jurisdictions who have laws, ethical structures, market forces and optimistic dynamic energy.

Lisbon was rocked in 1755 from an earthquake and annihilated, and was rebuilt in a grander, more rational fashion, with earthquake proof buildings; and better social services, including emergency agencies and even shock proof shelters. The same applies to San Francisco which was leveled by a quake in 1906. The reconstruction of San Fran was premised on making the city's buildings earthquake proof, as well as ensuring that social, medical and emergency services were constantly in supply and available. The culture, the attitudes, the application of capital and intelligence, created economic booms in both Lisboa and San Fran, turning monumental disasters into opportunities.

But not so with Haiti. This little ½ island nation has been beset by hurricanes, and earthquakes for its entire existence. Yet nothing has been built with international largesse given without conditions, over 40 years, to withstand nature's fury. Most of the island is still covered in shanties and flimsy wood-iron corrugate structures. No social services exist. Medical clinics are few and not quake-proof. Educational facilities a dream. No industry exists. No infrastructure to speak of has been built which can stand the torments of natural disaster. None.

And yet the Leftards, Marxists, and One-World wonders will not blame the Haitians. They blame Whitey ! The people who donated $400 per person, per year for a decade, and who have given welfare to the Haitians for 3 generations are to blame ! The people who are first responders to every tragedy to hit Haiti. The same people who send money, supplies and even troops to help the colossal failure which is Haiti. This remarkable ignorance and stupidity infuses the media, blogger attitudes and general social convention. Haiti is poor because, it was exploited !

That is the left-liberal mentality. Non-whites are superior. Therefore if they are poor they must be exploited. Since whites are richer, they must have stolen from the colored peoples. This is the only possible way that whites could have become wealthy and the colored peoples impoverished.

This core-periphery Marxist drivel ignores the reality of political-economy of course.

Haiti has no resources to 'exploit' except maybe rice. Other island states with no resources including England, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Canaries Islands do very well. Many of these states are non-white, but informed by white culture, traditions, laws, economics and political structure. Are these non-white islands also exploiting coloreds somehow ?

How does one explain the $30.000 per capita income of Bahamas which is small chain of islands with no natural resources. Isn't there something different in the political-economic culture of Bahamas which allows it to succeed, versus the corruption, voodoo deformation, and antipathy to reality which permeates Haiti ?

Or did perhaps the Bahamians exploit the Haitians ? According to Marxist theory this is impossible since blacks and coloreds cannot, never have, and never would exploit one another.

How to explain Cuba's destruction from the 4th wealthiest area in the Western Hemisphere in 1950, to the 2nd poorest – after Haiti – today. Would not Castro Communism and Fascistic control and the destruction of the moral, juridical, economic and independent personality explain this ? Before Castro, US and whitey investment was legion and trade expansive. Havana was one of the great cities of the Continent. No longer.

Haiti is a failed state for obvious and sundry reasons – all of it stemming from Haitian culture, attitudes, mis-rule, the vapidity of voodoo culture, and a disregard for markets, trade, education and rationality. Yet every year, and after every disaster we are told to send money to Haiti.

Until the Haitians disengage themselves from the international welfare teat, such entreaties should be rejected.

$4 billion in 10 years is enough. Haiti needs to build a society worthy of such aid. Until then, stop sending money and welfare.