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Monday, December 12, 2005

Kyoto Ugly. Bad Science, Politics, and Higher Taxes

Global Warming ? Marxist Politics and Fraud at its worst

by StFerdIII

Canada and the EU signed in 2002, without any debate in their Parliaments nor any meaningful debate in public, the Kyoto Protocol to limit so-called Greenhouse Gas Emissions [carbon dioxide and methane]. Kyoto and Global Warming is one of the greatest marketing and fraud campaigns in history - and one that will be paid for by tax payers. It is the largest redistribution program in history and will allow the Federal Governments of the EU and Canada to increase taxes and regulations. Contrary to liberal media hysteria there is no science that supports Kyoto. It is simply a political effort to decrease the energy cost disadvantage Europe has with the US, and to allow socialist governments to increase their power. Remember Global Cooling in 1975 ? Magically 30 years later it is now Global Warming ! The cost for such insanity is high. The Canadian Federal Government forecasts that Canadians will pay $4000 more per person, per year, in taxes and fees by 2008 when Kyoto starts. It is estimated that richer, cleaner countries such as Canada will transfer to Russia, Asia and other poorer, dirtier areas of the globe, about USD$20-25 Billion per annum. How is that for rewarding poverty , eco-mismanagement and failure ! There are so many issues wrong with Kyoto that several good books have been published outlining the chicanery and fraud of the UN program. Most however, never received any mention in the mainstream media.

There are numerous problems with the whole idea and too many for one overview. Here we will touch on the main problems with the science of

What is
Kyoto? A Lot of Junk Science

The UNO [through its group called the IPCC- International Panel on Climate Change], believes that CO2 and Methane emissions will cause the earth to warm. This increased temperature will have catastrophic environmental impacts; such as melting ice caps, rising sea levels, ecological devastation and species reduction. The IPCC predicts that without a massive reduction of about 30 % of CO2 and Methane from human induced non-renewal energy burning sources, the earth’s temperature will increase by 1-5 Degrees Celcius by 2100. Apparently this would cause a massive calamity. The culprits are rich countries who burn non-renewal fossil fuels. Developing countries including
China and India are exempt from Kyoto. So is the European Union which somehow negotiated that it had already made its emissions targets. Kyoto enforces national commitments to reduce GHG emissions, expressed as a percentage of base year emissions (which is 1990), and comprise a target for average annual emissions during the commitment period from 2008-2012. In addition to policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nations can use other Kyoto mechanisms to meet their commitments in a cost-effective way. Such mechanisms include international emissions trading, the clean development mechanism and joint implementation. In other words, don’t reduce your emission’s, just pay someone else to buy their ‘credits’.

In philosophical terms
Kyoto is viewed chiefly as a means to punish the polluting northern part of the world and transfer money to the developing and apparently less environmentally destructive or at least, less immoral, Third World. Such a transfer reflects the guilt that developed countries should naturally feel as their wealthy societies destroy non renewable energy sources. Kyoto rightly forces these rich and wasteful nations to invest in cheaper hydrogen, wind, solar and renewable energies. Kyoto advocates believe that by implementing such changes and by reducing further global warming Kyoto will have a profound impact on national systems and state development – all for the better.

The philosophy is badly flawed and utopian. But does any of it make scientific sense ? Not really. The science behind
Kyoto is so bad that 18.000 Climatologists and Scientists have signed a petition urging its rejection. Politicians tell you that the scientific community is united on global warming. It isn’t. Only 800 environmental activists and government scientists support Kyoto. The scientists who oppose Kyoto make the following points that the United Nations has never bothered to refute: [See Bjorn Lomberg’s ‘The Skeptical Environmentalist’ or Ezra Levant’s ‘Fight Kyoto’]

1.IPCC uses computer models to drive out forecasts. Their models do not include all the variables associated with the climate. About 1 million variables make up the climate. Technically it is impossible to model the interactions of 1 million variables. As such ‘garbage in’ and ‘garbage out’.

2.IPCC models are based on tree ring data from
North America for the past 1000 years. There are many problems with this. First the data is land based and geographically limited. Most of the earth is left out. Second tree ring data is not supported by atmospheric data readings. Third, the sample size and number of years is too small to make general statements about temperature swings.

3.The earth was much warmer during the Medieval Warm Period 900-1400 AD. This warm spell ended around 1350-1400 and the temperature decreased precipitating the ‘Little Ice Age’ [1400-1900]. IPCC models can’t explain these temperature swings.

4.Data seems to indicate that there are regular occurrences like the little ice age and the medieval warm period in a rough 1500 year cycle. This cycle has repeated itself endlessly over the past 140.000 years

5.Most of any temperature increase in the 20th century apparently occurred in two phases, during 1910-1945 and from 1975-2000. The first period is impossible to align with greenhouse emissions. The second phase can be aligned with emissions but 25 years does not constitute a meaningful long term trend, especially when between 1945-1975 there were rising emissions but no corresponding increase in temperature.

6.Dr. Tim Patterson, professor of earth sciences at Ottawa's Carleton University, Dr. Pat Michaels, professor of climatology at the University of Virginia, Dr. John Christy, Professor and Director, Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama, and many others explain that these far more accurate and comprehensive satellite temperature sensors reveal only a very small temperature rise since measurements began in 1979. Dr. Christy says the trend is about 0.07C per decade, right at the edge of statistical significance and certainly far too small to be noticeable.

7.IPCC models incredibly do not include Solar Radiation effects or Cloud Cover. Solar Radiation is the most important variable in determining temperature.

8.Ice core records show that at the end of each of the last three major ice ages, temperatures rose several hundred years before CO2 levels increased.

9.At the beginning of the most recent glacial period about 114,000 years ago, CO2 remained relatively high until long after temperatures plummeted.

10.Global average CO2 levels have been found to lag behind changes in tropical sea surface temperature by six to eight months. As the ocean warms, it is unable to hold as much CO2 in solution and consequently releases the gas into the atmosphere contributing to the observed CO2 level rise.

11.Climatologists Marcel Fligge and Sami Solanki demonstrated in the respected journal, Geophysical Research Letters, that the warming or cooling of the Earth during the past four centuries closely matches variations in the Sun's brightness.

12.Publications in journals, "Science" and "Paleoceanography" show that CO2 levels were higher at the end of the last ice age than during the much warmer Eocene period, 43 million years earlier. These studies also found that CO2 levels are far higher today than they were during the relatively hot Miocene period, 17 million years ago. There is little correlation therefore between warmth and CO2 levels.

13.Furthermore the IPCC and UN have not bothered to prove that CO2 emissions are in fact dangerous and constitute a threat to the environment through field work. Nature Magazine in 2001 published a report citing that CO2 levels have often been as high as 5 times what they are today. In a
North Carolina experiment 50 % more CO2 was pumped into in a forested area which resulted in faster growth, stronger trees and cones and no damage whatsoever to the ecosystem.

14.During the 1970s the UN was warning us about Global Cooling in the same apocalyptic tones. In fact it said that we had until 1980 to fix the global cooling problem. How much faith should we have in an agency that was so wrong about global cooling ?

15.How does one explain that the winter of 2003 was the coldest on record for dozens of areas around the earth ?

16.Most importantly -- Ninety five percent of CO2 emissions come from natural sources and the earth releases 210,000 mega tonnes each year of CO2 gas. Only about 5 % of this comes from industrial and human activity.

Even if you wiped out the human race the effect on CO2 emissions would be only 5 % of the total released yearly. Why then worry about it ?

When one views Kyoto and the very bad science which permeates it is easy to agree with Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and one of the lead authors of the science sections of the IPCC report, who scathingly described the IPCC Summary as ‘very much a children's exercise of what might possibly happen,’ prepared by a ‘peculiar group’ with ‘no technical competence.’

Why then sign it ?
Kyoto is simply a political statement. It is Marxist and anti-capitalist. The basic idea of Kyoto is that capitalism - represented by the immoral United States - is a danger to our mother earth. The earth goddess cult is a cheap way to gain votes. By installing the earth goddess cult into political debate politicians are able to do a number of things. First, they can buy off the green, left wing and eco-cult vote. Second, they can raise taxes and hire more union members in the name of love, the future, our children's green space, saving the world, and other platitudes routinely employed to buy votes. Third, they can denigrate capitalism, growing economies and market dynamics by offering government as the only solution to solve an incurable 'market failure'. Lastly they can resurrect the sorry paganism of the noble savage, the stone age nirvana of the earth goddess cult, as they transfer monies from the rich immoral northern part of the world, to the corrupt, polluted and failing areas of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Apparently destroying your economy and ecology through socialist mismanagement as witnessed in Africa and Eastern Europe, needs to be rewarded.

Kyoto is in essence a load of hogwash and bull puddy. Another Marxist design, intending to steal more tax money while crying tears of pain for the earth goddess cult. One would have thought that educated populations would recognise a fraudalent cult when they see one. Oh well, pass the Kool Aid, we need to drink a lot more of it.

Some Sources:
Earth System Science Laboratory at the University of Alabama - Huntsville Prepared by John L. Daly (
Nature, 411, May 17th 2001
Science, vol. 292, April 6 2002, p. 36
Testimony of Richard S. Lindzen, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, May 2, 2001