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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Co2mmunists. Marxism and Lies.

Left wing losers have all migrated to the Eco-Cult.

by StFerdIII



L Ron Gore. The Black Jesus [or most important man in history]. David Suzuki. The UN. The Sierra Club. Greenpeace. 'Friends' of the Earth. University hacks parading as professors. The entire media-governmental apparati. What a combination of absolute losers. Yet the hoi-polloi peasant mass, MUST believe anything this group of discontented Marxists and Communists utter ? As a corollary must we believe that Islam is peace; that the West is evil; and that markets are immoral ? The absurdity of the Eco-cult; its members and its theories is only matched by Islam; the UN; and the modern Fascisms foisted upon the world in Germany and Russia. 'Climate-Gate' makes that obvious.

Neil Boortz scores a direct hit when he identifies the agglomeration of morons, disaffected idiots and mental cases which make up the Eco-movement:


“When the cold war ended the world was littered with disaffected and discouraged communists and socialists. Their precious ideal of one world under Communism had melted away before their eyes. The Berlin Wall was aggregate and the Soviet Union was breaking apart. The precious hammer and sickle was being replaced by a Russian flag of red, white and blue stripes. These lost communists and anti-capitalists needed a new next. They were homeless. Where to turn?

The founder of the environmental group Greenpeace can tell you where these lost communists went. They headed straight for the environmental movement. Within weeks of the fall of the Soviet Union Greenpeace offices and rallies were suddenly crowded with unkempt people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts and Mao hats. This was the chosen new way to attack capitalism; not through the recitation of Communist doctrine, but through phony environmental concerns. Now capitalism was to be attacked not for its oppression of the working man, but for its affect on pour creeks, our lakes, and the air we breathe. The environmental movement became the home of anti-capitalists around the world.”


The mindlessness of Communism is not debatable. It negates, the moral, the juridical, the economic and the free man. It places dogma, processes and control above human life. Free will is destroyed. Reality is supplanted by a not so Brave New World of state violence and manufactured coercion.

Communism and the Eco-Fascist movement have much in common. The Nazis were the original Greenies of course. The Russian Fascists or Communists, were more sanguine about the environment as a tour of Russia or Eastern Europe today reveals – the monumental destruction by the state visited upon the environment. In comparison Europe and North America are not only clean, but have seen a real increase in water and air quality, the extent of forest coverage and the use of technology to protect Mother Earth. 92 % of North America still lies under the control of dear Gaia. Only 8% of the US is urbanized or distorted by humans. Even taking into account human raw material extraction, vast natural biomass tracts of North America and huge portions of Europe are not only protected, but flourishing.

Communism seeks the destruction of capital, money, markets, technology and personal choice. The State will own and operate everything. Your only role is to obey, repeat state propaganda and wave the requisite banners on state holidays. Thinking, working, innovating, feeling, and being human is disavowed. The cult rules. You are just a mindless robot.

The Eco-Fascists have the same ideals. Boortz is exactly right. Socialist and Marxist androids and losers have found their sustenance in 'saving the planet'. Like the Communists, they lie, cheat, pilfer, engage in violence, and come up with mind-numbing 'theories' to explain why their program must be followed. And like the distortions and outrageous deceit propagated by Hegel and Marx, but presented in a 'determinatist dialectic'; the Eco-Fascists claim that 'science' supports their occult irrationality. Lenin and Stalin also claimed that Marxist determinism 'proved' that capitalism would collapse and Communism triumph.

This is why 'Climate Gate' which goes unreported in the mainstream media is so important. It reveals a level of criminality unmatched in the world of science in the modern era. All for the money and all for power. Globaloney Warming or Climate Change has nothing to do with science of course. It has everything to do with paper green; and the cult of political power. As the WSJ so rightly comments:


“And all this is only a fraction of the $94 billion that HSBC Bank estimates has been spent globally this year on what it calls "green stimulus"—largely ethanol and other alternative energy schemes—of the kind from which Al Gore and his partners at Kleiner Perkins hope to profit handsomely.

Supply, as we know, creates its own demand. So for every additional billion in government-funded grants (or the tens of millions supplied by foundations like the Pew Charitable Trusts), universities, research institutes, advocacy groups and their various spin-offs and dependents have emerged from the woodwork to receive them.”


So the Communist losers and Eco-Fascists have gobbled up a $100 billion this year ? Oh, so that means of course that they have NO incentive to keep the scam going. They are simply moral and disengaged scientists saving the planet for the children's future. Yeah right. L Ron Gore the Eco-whore's net wealth has increased from $2 million to over $300 million. He and his little band of merry Communist friends have every incentive to fear monger over Climate Change or Globaloney Warming. Lots of money and power at stake.

And what of the science ? Well it does not exist as Climate-Gate makes clear. The science is decidedly unsettled. A real scientist and MIT emeritus Prof. Lindzen has for 10 years been railing against this fraud. He likens Climate Change to bait and switch marketing – all designed for the profit of the marketer:


“...The answer brings us to a scandal that is, in my opinion, considerably greater than that implied in the hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit (though perhaps not as bad as their destruction of raw data): namely the suggestion that the very existence of warming or of the greenhouse effect is tantamount to catastrophe. This is the grossest of "bait and switch" scams. It is only such a scam that lends importance to the machinations in the emails designed to nudge temperatures a few tenths of a degree.

The notion that complex climate "catastrophes" are simply a matter of the response of a single number, GATA, to a single forcing, CO2 (or solar forcing for that matter), represents a gigantic step backward in the science of climate.
Many disasters associated with warming are simply normal occurrences whose existence is falsely claimed to be evidence of warming. And all these examples involve phenomena that are dependent on the confluence of many factors.

Our perceptions of nature are similarly dragged back centuries so that the normal occasional occurrences of open water in summer over the North Pole, droughts, floods, hurricanes, sea-level variations, etc. are all taken as omens, portending doom due to our sinful ways (as epitomized by our carbon footprint). All of these phenomena depend on the confluence of multiple factors as well.”


Lindzen is perfectly accurate. Co2 contributes less than 1% of all emissions. How can the human which affects only 5% of Co2 levels [the rest is from nature], possibly change any climate ? And why can't IPCC and CRU models, 'model', the decline in the mean global temperature between 1945 and 1975, even as Co2 levels increased markedly post World War 2? They can't model anything accurately, but yet we are supposed to genuflect and have 'faith' in their predictions that the world will end in 2017 [Prince Charles]; 2018 [L Ron Gore]; or at least in 2100 [the Useless Nations]. What a crock.

At some point people have to sharpen their pitchforks, revolt and start the process of culling the human herd of Marxist and Communist idiots. The only way a Fascism is destroyed is through war. The Eco-cult will need to be utterly crushed and effaced.