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Monday, April 5, 2010

Globaloney Warming and cult irrationality.

No Science please, we are true believers.

by StFerdIII

Eco-Fascism is the right term for the intolerance of the enviro-freak movement. For over 40 years these narrow minds have been predicting the end of man and promoting the destruction of the human race. It is nothing less than Marxist social-engineering on a scale to rival Hitlerism, and Russian Fascism. It leads to death camps and calls for culling the human herd, expostulated almost weekly by some enviro-lunatic. Eco-Fascism is as dangerous to the modern world of the 5 senses; as the death cult of Islam. In fact Eco-Fascism and Islamic theology share much in common. A hatred of the West; a racist dislike for White civilization; calls for complete obedience; the use of violence against enemies; the parading of truths and myths as 'facts'; and a psychologically distorted arrogant assurance that they are 'right' and doing work with a 'higher moral purpose'. Both are ultimately cults of death, not life.

The obvious absurdity of Globaloney Warming needs to be ridiculed, deconstructed [to use an in vogue Marxist term]; and opened to inquiry, and real scientific objections. All of the 26 models used by the Useless Nations and its CRU hacks; need to be investigated by independent software engineers. All the code should be made available on a secure site. You know that the science can't be closed when 26 models spit out garbage and generate – rather conveniently – the 'right' answers, no matter what the inputs are. The models are of course corrupted, built to support the theology that man is a cruel virus destroying the dear earth mother; and that white civilization is little more than a system of rape, plunder and incredibly ignorant cruelty and exploitation. Ergo only big government and socialist engineering can save us and the dear nature Mother.

Science by definition can never be closed. All theorems are subjected to testing and confirmation. Every single model, computer code, temperature reading and assumption must be reviewed, analyzed and debunked if false. Yet this is still not happening. The Globaloney-Warming complex of politicians, bureaucrats, L Ron Gore the Eco Whore, institutes, the media, banks trading in carbon credits, and anyone else who profits from the $300 billion and counting fraud, persists. Globaloney Warming is the biggest scam and financial opportunity in history.

Thus we have the usual pattern of psychologically deranged Eco-Fascist babble: 

1.Deny the problem
2. Slander critics and call them names
3. State that all non IPCC research is paid by Exxon and is invalid
4. Invoke morality and moral purpose which must over-ride any obscure 'facts'
5. Lament children's, children's future if nothing is done.
6. Make sure that enough government programs, brainwashing and lies are put in train which cannot be reversed.
7. Ignore all science, models, algorithms and details which do not confirm the main theme.

In essence, as with Islam, Nazism and Communism, big lies need to stick to the big picture. 

The totalitarian nature of Eco-Fascism and its cult of certainty is expressed in the desire to avoid debate; demonize 'enemies' and burn 'heretics'. Counter hypotheses, reality and rationality are not to be tolerated. Why would anyone believe a group of self-serving hypocrites who are using public money to sell the rather insane idea that a chemical which comprises less than 1% of all atmospheric gases is 'forcing' climate to 'change' and the earth to 'heat up'. Pace Obama, sufferer's of Down's have more common sense than this.

The former founder of Greenpeace Patrick Moore sums up the insanity of the Globaloney Warm-mongers and Eco-Freakism quite well – and he is someone who supports the irrationality of anthropogenic climate change:

“Environmentalism has turned into anti-globalization and anti-industry. Activists have abandoned science in favour of sensationalism. Their zero-tolerance, fear-mongering campaigns would ultimately prevent a cure for Vitamin A deficiency blindness, increase pesticide use, increase heart disease, deplete wild salmon stocks, raise the cost and reduce the safety of health care, raise construction costs, deprive developing nations of clean electricity, stop renewable wind energy, block a solution to global warming, and contribute to deforestation. How sick is that?”see

As the queer Globaloney believer and former Eco-Brownshirt Bjorn Lomberg wrote in 'The Skeptical Environmentalist'; the costs of trying to stop natural climate change dwarfs by a monumental factor, the costs needed to provide every African with potable water, health clinic access, and electricity. The Eco-Fascist cult is so unhinged that it actively campaigns against improving the life of the poor for fear that Co2 emissions which are 1 % of all gaseous emissions, will be increased as hundreds of millions of humans join in part, the blessings of the modern world. It wants penury and early death for the world's poor, not to mention state funded abortions; one-child policies; and a method to kill 30% of humans in crowded Western states such as Britain. This is a cult of insanity, not salvation.

It is clear that humans have no impact on the climate. So the only question which remains is, will the Eco-Fascists still try to control the modern world through the auspices of the Globaloney Warming cult or will they give up and invent another scam and 'end of the world' eschatology ?