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Monday, November 26, 2007

Small minds obsessing about small things.

A world of negativity.

by StFerdIII

There is a difference between realism – seeing the world for what the 6 senses says it is, and miserable negativity – seeing the world as a terrible place that owes you a living. One of the most endearing features a person can possess is realism combined with optimism. This combination fuels innovation and achievement. What gets tiresome is the obsession that small minds have over small things, and the negativity which pervades the media, education and general commentary. It is tiresome and unnecessary.

The small minds of the world unite – over small things. The small items which so confuse and obsess many people are of course abstract and largely meaningless. However when used for political purposes to socially engineer the world, they become extremely dangerous. Some examples which occupy the little minds suffice:

-Co2 emissions. No correlation exists between any natural chemical and climate. None whatsoever. Instead of worrying about one chemical which is just one variable out of one million which makes up climate patterns, you might be better off cleaning up your local rivers and lakes. That is a concrete way to work off your love for Mother Earth. If want to save Gaia do something practical and meaningful.

-Polar Bears and disappearing everything. Polar bears have doubled in population size in the past 50 years. More flora and fauna are found each day. In the past 500 years, perhaps 0.7% of total flora and fauna have disappeared. Instead of fantasizing about drowning polar bears, people would be better off to help local conservation groups and ensure that public parks are taken care of.

-Epidemics. AIDS, SARS, or some other UN-designated disease of the week, should [they always hope], wipe out mankind. Sadly for the Marxists this has yet to happen. Yet many people are obsessed with discussing epidemial waves of global destruction. Time would be better spent ensuring that the local health care and emergency services are funded, flexible and have enough resources to cater to the health needs of the local population instead of worrying about Hollywood-esque disaster scenarios.

-Rights. Little minds love rights charters and victimology. Instead of campaigning for more rights for this and that victimised group, it would make more sense to ensure that the laws as they now stand and which have plenty of protection for every possible minority, race, or situation, are implemented. This would mean lobbying local and state-regional politicians to ensure that the legal and police systems are properly funded and that the state is protecting those who need protection. This is after all the second primary duty of government after national defence.

-Morality. Instead of wasting time with the Bushitler, we-hate-Jews and America groups, time might be better spent saving the lives of babies – fetuses – from late term abortion murder. 100 million abortions over 30 years is the largest genocide in history and the direct result of Roe v. Wade. Instead of whining about polar bears, why not try to prevent babies from receiving a fork in the brain during an 8 month term abortion? Wouldn't that be time better spent?

-Christians. Nothing agitates the little minds more than the supposed right-wing Christian bloc. Newsflash – in the US the Christian vote is split almost evenly between the 2 major parties and most Jews as an aside vote left-wing. Instead of hating Christians, maybe emulate them by giving to charity, homeless shelters and spending time with the needy of society.

-Conspiracy theories. Nothing denotes a small mind more than a conspiracy theory – the more complicated the theory, the smaller and more deformed is the mind. Instead of wasting time trying to explain the world through very dumb and twisted plot lines, why not recognise reality for what it is?

The little minds of the world, unite over basically hating the world. They are fantasists. Kyoto and Global warming is a project of socialist redistribution; taxation; and ineluctably the destruction of the modern world. It has nothing to do with a clean environment. Hating Bushitler ignores the very real 1400 year jihad by Muslims against everyone else. Since 9-11 150.000 people, outside of Iraq and Darfur, have been killed or wounded by Muslims. Yet the little minds could care less. For them it is the Baptist Bush and his Joo friends who are the real fascists.

And so fantasy and conspiracy theories force the small minds to obsess about small issues, while the large themes of the day are ignored or deformed.

Take the economy. Instead of understanding how jobs, wealth and capital are created, the small minds endlessly predict disaster. 6 years of full employment; 2 million new jobs created per annum; 4-5% increases in net disposable income; strong stock markets [this year has been rough]; housing prices still 50% over their 1997 levels; and a rough doubling of US GDP in the past 12 years [Europe is 1/3 of that growth]; and yet we are to believe that this is the worst economy in history. For all the many 'experts' and small minds, we are doomed to a recession or depression, or at least the end of the economic world as we know it. Higher taxes and more government are of course the answer.

It is plainly ridiculous. All economies have cycles. The economy will slow – it has to – but international growth is the strongest it has been in history. Oil accounts for only 7 % of GDP – technology by contrast is double that, so rising oil prices will not mean the end of the world. If we are better off and have the basis for continued growth, why the gloom?

The Long War against Islam is another example. One of the main and key issues of our generation is reduced by the small minds to a war for oil; or a war to satiate Jewish lust for world domination. Such racism and nonsense denotes a very small mind indeed. Iraq is the most important front in the war on terror – much as Korea in 1950 was the frontline against Communist imperialism. Korea is now the 10th largest economy in the world, exporting world class products. Iraq once stabilised, will prove itself to be the economic giant of the Arab world in 30 years. Free, democratic and a firm ally against the fascist elements of Islam. If we believe that civilisation is worth defending why the gloom?

All fads and cults have cycles as well - but the small mind doesn't recognise a cult, nor does he or she understand that the cult is a political pawn used by those who covet power and control. Contrary to what small minds believe in the long term some truths are plain. Technology is the best guarantor of a clean environment and the world is far cleaner today than it was 30 years ago. Capital markets and trade are the most important means to create jobs, wealth and reduce poverty [which they have done in the past 50 years to an extent that would have shocked any optimistic forecast in 1950]. Globaloney Warming is as crass a political and eco-scam, as was Global Cooling during the 1970s. If the modern world is the best means to save mother earth, why the gloom?

You don't get too far in life being a negative crank – unless you want to work in the media. Ignoring reality and focusing on the abstract about which posturing is more important than actually doing something, is the hallmark of a small mind. Marx's dialectical theory is the epitome of small minded thinking – an entire theory invented on lies, distortions and intellectual junk. Globaloney Warming is the same. So is the weekly UN epidemic scare mongering.

Larger minds are busy with reality. They create, they clean up, they support, they give, they work, and they remain reasonably optimistic that with intelligence and effort, things will turn out all right. That is after all how the modern world got built.