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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Barbarity of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness

Truly a Dark Age.

by StFerdIII

The depravity is everywhere. Politically-correct fascism and cultural Marxist relativity and insanity. The real 'Dark Ages' was not the era between 500 AD and 1500 AD – it is now. The mental monstrosity of PC gibberish turns reality into fantasy; myths into facts; intolerance into morality; and Marxism into hope and change. It is a monumental sea-change in cultural attitudes in which a literate society which had pride in its history, achievements and freedoms, goes from higher culture to the depths of PC bafflegab and reality TV. Dark Ages demand a loss of rationality, common-sense, and factual history. A Dark Age rejects the idea there can be good and bad; right from wrong; up from down and the real from the affected.  Our Dark Age is cultural – not scientific.

History is now rewritten to make sure that Whites, Europeans and Western Civilization are depicted in the worse possible light. Islam, an Arabian moon cult, is premised on war, jihad, and violence, all stemming the Koran - a book with no Golden Rule, no ethical program whatsoever; but which is clearly a racist, supremacist and poorly written tract demanding world domination for Islam, and submission of all humans to the Meccan moon diety. Please read it.

1.6 billion Muslims exist around the world; and comprise the largest bloc of intolerant's; and admirers of Fascism that human history has recorded. If you believe in the Koran you can't be a moderate. That should be clear after 1400 years of Jihad. Yet, we are told by the very smart people, mired in PC madness; that Islam is peace and merriment. 300 million dead in 1400 years; 15 million Blacks and 5-8 million Whites slave traded; and whole areas of the planet devastated by Jihad. Yet Islam is not only the same as Christian civilization but better. Or so we peasants are told.

When Muslims attempt to blow up Times Square, White oppression and financial racism are blamed not Islam.

When Muslim fathers beat their daughters or their wives, presaging their deaths, the 'authorities' look the other way, fearful of offending the sophisticated-peaceful Muslims. When the daughters, like the 16 year old in Zurich, who was cut up into pieces with an axe by her father; or the wife in Buffalo who had her head cut off by her husband; are found murdered the police and state are 'shocked'. But of course Islam has nothing to do with it.

When Muslims riot over Facebook's call to 'Draw Muhammad' for a day, the media ignores this laughably intolerant and deranged expression of submission. Do any of the Muslim rioters know anything about the real life of their 'prophet', who was about as holy a person as Lenin, Hitler, or Castro?

When Turkish Muslims honor kill a 2 day old baby for being born out of wedlock; or when a New York Muslim stabs his wife 250 times and than eats her parts in front of the children; or when a Black American Muslim in Chicago murders his family while quoting the Koran, the mainstream media are quiet. Islam is not mentioned. Imagine if Jews, Christians, or 'Conservatives' were to engage in such behavior. It would be news indeed – especially if these were regular events. But of course Islam is not to blame for such barbarity.

When over 300,000 people have been killed by the 1000 year old, Arab-Muslim Jihad in the Sudan, Islam is not blamed. It is called an 'inter-religious' conflict as if the murder of innocent animists, Christians and non-Muslims is anything other than a genocide. The same is true of Nigeria where Christians have been attacked from the Muslim Jihad since Arab traders went into the Niger looking for Black slaves during the early modern period.

Iran, a state where females and their activities are monitored; and a place in which women are stoned to death, is named to the UN Women's Rights Council. No clearer example can be given, to illustrate the poverty of the UN, or its utter control by the Muslim bloc. Yet no mainstream media outlet and certainly no academic 'experts' were outraged, or at least, had their objections distributed in print.

And just to make the point let's ensure that a Muslim female who is passably good-looking wins the Miss USA contest to prove that Islam is 'mainstream' and cool, even though her family is linked to Hizbollah in southern Lebanon where she was born, a Muslim fascist organization dedicated to killing all the Jews in Israel and which has since 1980; killed thousands of non-Muslims, including many thousands of Maronite Christians during the Lebanese civil war or Jihad, in which Islam took over what was once a Christian-led country. I don't recall any questions about Hizbollah or Muslim Jihad, being asked to the Shiite devotee. But that is the Dark Age of cultural Marxism that we live in.

As columnist Melanie Phillips quipped – Blind Ideology is Dancing on the Grave of Reason;

“What has Britain come to when its police officers are given leave to dance about naked? How can generations of Australians have been taught the egregious falsehood of the Stolen Generations as fact? And how many times have Tea Party members or people opposed to a piece of legislation tried to commit mass murder against their fellow Americans, compared with the number of recent attempts by Muslim terrorists?

Such intellectual perversity can be understood only in the context of a far wider and profound retreat from reason throughout the West.

Across a broad range of issues, the progressive intelligentsia appears to have junked the rules of evidence, objectivity and rationality in favour of fantasy, irrationality and upside-down thinking.


Or take the Middle East. Israel is the victim of six decades of exterminatory aggression from the Arab and Muslim world. Yet it is Israel that is expected to make concessions to its attackers, who are said by the West to deserve a state of their own. Meanwhile, the US extends its hand of friendship to Iran, which is building a nuclear bomb to commit another Jewish genocide.”

The perversion of the intellect, and the rejection of facts and realities to conform to the cult of Marxism and political-correctness is a Dark Age.

Is it any wonder that the Muslims – those vaunted creators of the modern world supposedly – will build not one but two Mosques on the site of 9-11. Both will be applauded by the chattering idiots in politics, and the media no doubt; and the other cultural Marxist baboons who cry and wail that Islam is peace and merriment and the mosques demonstrate inter-faith harmony and moderation. None of these twits have read anything about Arab or Muslim imperialism; the Koran; or the various expressions of fascism and hate which emanate from mosques; Imams and the Muslim world on a daily basis.  In spite of having little knowledge about the topic of Islam they do have their cultural Marxism opinions of course - which are transmuted into facts, and laws. 

The Dark Ages ? Yes they did exist but not in the Medieval period, which was one of the most original, interesting and vibrant in human history.  No the retreat from reason and common-sense started during the 19th century; and became a social law around 1960 AD, and lasted until the Islamic moon cult destroyed and took over what was left of the Western world.