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Monday, October 18, 2010

Green Communists and intolerants.

A migration from Marxism and Communism to Green Fascism.

by StFerdIII



The Greenists are in the main of course, a collection of disaffected Communists, One-World wonders; Marxists, and Globalists. They loathe the modern world, capital, markets, individuals, private decisions, choice, and free-will. They esteem totalitarianism, fascistic governance [in the real sense of that miswrought word]; statist power, coercion, and a suppression of freedom, free-speech, and free choice. The Greenies are an inchoate cult, dedicated to submitting the individual into the collective and forcing the person into the communal. No wonder Greenists love and laud Islam. The two political movements are very similar.

Elias Washington a Black conservative who supports the Taxed Enough Already movement [yikes! He must be a racist Immigrantophobian !?]; wrote in World Net Daily the following appropriate characterization of the sordid mental mess that is the Greenie cult:

Like the Islamic doctrine Taqiyya, which sanctions deceit to further Islam, to progressives the end justifies the means; therefore, lying, stealing, killing and perverting the Constitution and science is acceptable to utopian socialists as long as they "change the world."
Recall the words of New Deal brain-truster Stuart Chase who, after visiting the Soviet Union in the 1920s, asked with incredulity, "Why should Russians have all the fun remaking the world?"
Progressives are very resilient, so when Soviet communism finally collapsed after 70 years of world wide tyranny, progressives and liberal Democrats pushed the existential green movement to the forefront, which was in reality the same old exhausted red communism in a new disguise.
Green is now the new red (communism).

Green was long ago Red. The Marxists and their fellow Globalist knaves took over the Earth cult post 1989 when their heroic idol of communal worship, the Russian Fascist state, collapsed. The extreme radicalization of the Globlaoney Warming cult, a $2 Trillion scam, is replete with Communist injunctions and techniques of coercion. If you question the cult you are a denier who should be jailed and silenced. If you reject the scientific rationale that a natural chemical which is less than 1 % of atmospheric gases can cause anything including 'climate forcing'; you are demonized, pilloried and hectored. Children, the mass culture and the old are fear mongered into acceptance. Globaloney warming is the most vivid and turgid example in recent memory of state power being used to indoctrinate and frighten populations. The techniques come right out of Marxist-Communism and would make Hitlerian National Socialism and Russian Fascism [both are outcomes of Marxist and Statist theology]; very proud indeed.

Back to our Immigrantophobian Tea bagger friend Elias Washington again. Not only are the Greenies extreme Marxists, but so too are most of those who call themselves 'Progressives', 'Liberals' and 'Moderates'. These are all code words for those who love the communal and hate the individual and the modern world. 'Liberal' Socialists esteem Islam. It is not hard to see why. Islam, Greenism, and Progressive totalitarianism want to crush the modern world and replace it with the age old millenial practice of state idol worshp replete with a loss of freedom, capital, and individual choice. Back to the good old days of Lenin, Hitler, Castro, and Sargon the Great:

Leon Trotsky called this tactic "perpetual revolution." Always keep the revolution going; always have a crisis before the face of the people; always keep society in a controlled state of chaos. Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton and Obama's intellectual mentor, furthered Trotskyite tactics in his book, "Rules for Radicals"(1971), and now President Obama is forcing America to live out the Democrats' green socialist nightmare, which stopped the Reagan economic revolution dead in its tracks while plunging America into a second Great Depression.

Liberalism isn't new. It's been called by different names over time. Note some of the sophistic ideas liberal Democrats and progressives have used to control and denigrate society over the past 250 years:

-The Age of Enlightenment (humanism, atheism, skepticism)

-Karl Marx (socialism, communism)

-Charles Darwin (evolution, eugenics, separation of Christianity and science)

-Jeremy Bentham, John Austin (advent of positive law, end of natural law)

-Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Benjamin Spock (sexual promiscuity, family deconstruction)

-Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Obama (welfare state)

-Walter Lippmann, Herbert Croly, John Dewey, H.G. Wells, Margaret Sanger, George Bernard Shaw (education propaganda, progressivism, moral relativism)

-Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao (state socialism, totalitarianism)

Rachel Carson ("Silent Spring" [1962]), Ira Einhorn, Al Gore, Van Jones ("Green New Deal")

L Ron Gore for instance [aka Al Gore] is a dunce. But the idiot has pulled off the rather improbable. He has lied, propagandized and calumnied his way to a fortune worth almost $1 Billion. David Suzuki [aka Zucchini which matches the substance of his rhetoric]; is a Canadian tax paid millionaire whose science mirrors that of L Ron which is to say it is nine-tenths nonsense and fear mongering, combined with one-tenth of narcissistic insanity. If you rally to promote freedom, markets and individual responsibility you are castigated as an 'extremist'. If you are the followers of L Ron and Zucchini whose non-scientific and quite moronic claim that Co2 a chemical necessary for life is causing massive clmiate disturbance, you are applauded as enlightened, progressive, and compassionate.

We are turning into a society of drooling cult members.

The Greenie cult is but an expression of the timeless fascination man has had with his own destruction. At the core of the Greenist movement is an abominable hatred of the human. L Ron, Zucchini and friends regularly state that 30% or more of the human race must be liquidated. One assumes that they will not volunteer themselves to be murdered. But as with the Marxist cults of Hitlerism, Communism and various expressions of Statism which have murdered hundreds of million of humans, the little minds of the Greenist collection will hide their aberrant and evil fascism with nice words, ringing phrases and quintessential fear mongering.

Washington is right. Green is the new Red. Better to be long dead, than either Islamic or Red.