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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Arabs and Muslims and the old, the new anti-semiticism

Hating Jews is hard work.

by StFerdIII

Islamic anti-semitic, Jew-haters are creative sorts. No sooner does one insane allegation against the Jews appear, than it has to give way for a newer and even more twisted anti-Jew message. Not content with Koranic vitriol and racism; Arabs and Muslims in the modern age have created entire industries dedicated to Jew hatred and denigration. Instead of building peaceful economies, it is easier, at least from the Arab-Muslim mindset; to build a complex of Jew hatred.

The old anti-semiticism certainly must get boring. Some new, exciting means to hate is always needed to keep a good hate-on going strong. The 'Jews are sons of pigs and monkeys' chant must wear thin after about say, 25 years of ritual chanting. Like Orwell's 5 minute scream at a government created fictitous enemy, Islam keeps its people screaming against the evil morbidity of anything Jewish. Hate is good political business. It keeps the brainwashed focused and the enemy well in sight.

Europeans and North Americans are not immune to the Orwell technique. Arab propaganda, whilst obviously deranged, has wide acceptance in the so-called 'West'. There have been hundreds of anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli UN resolutions. Nary a handful exist against Arabs. Anti-Jew declarations are legion and politically convenient - especially when in parts of Canada, the US, France and Britain you have millions of Arab votes to appease.

Lebanese Christians – about 100.000 of whom died in the Lebanese civil war – killed about 80 Arabs in 1982 [or Palestinians as they are now called] and the world had an epileptic fit of rage. The Jews were behind it, was the common charge. In the same month of the same year, the Syrians wiped out an entire town killing 20.000 Arabs. No reaction at all. The Jews could not be blamed. Ergo, not an interesting story to cover. Israel invades Lebanon to eradicate rocket sites which pour hundreds of rockets a year into northern Israel? Up goes the ritualised anti-Jew messaging. Terrible fascist Jews, once again invading a peaceful and non-belligerent Arab state! Or some such idiocy.

Hating Jews is hard work however. New plot lines must be uncovered. Until recent times Christians blamed the Jews for the death of Christ. During the religious domination of the European political-economy, this created all sorts of trouble for the Jews. Pograms, inquisitions, and exportations were common programs in Christian Europe. Not only did the Jews kill Christ, they were also money-lenders, tax collectors and in many places prominently wealthy. Many Crusaders lined their metal pockets with Jewish plunder on the voyage to the Holy Land to save Jerusalem from the Saracens.

The Holocaust and Hitler's industrialised mass-murder of an entire race, grew from, at least in part, centuries of anti-Jewish sentiment and fear of the Semite. They also added a lot of new material. Throughout most of central and eastern Europe, the Jews had been attacked relentlessly it must have appeared to them, for 1300 years. Hitlers ravings against the Jews of Russia who were running the Bolshevist revolution and were intent on sucking Germany and German blood dry, were merely the modern version of what had existed in Europe for centuries. Hitler did not invent anti-semiticism of course - he and his friends merely added new stories and sub-plots to the long running text.

It was the Arabs and Mohammed's pagan creed of fascism which did that. Anti-semitic hatred is built into the Koran and Islamic history. Mohammed himself personally oversaw, and very likely participated in the wholesale massacre of the males of the Jewish Khuraysh tribe in Arabia. After taking their oasis town in a military engagement, Mohammed had the Jewish men dig a long trench and then lined them up – where he and his soldiers beheaded them one by one and kicked their bodies into the trench. This was a pattent the Nazis would repeat.

Islamic theory and attitudes are decidedly anti-semitic. The Koran does say that the Jews and the Christians are people of the book and part of God's messaging plan. Mohammed and the Koran happen to the last and only true version of God's word. But this rather tepid defense of Jews only highlights the power of its inherent racism. Jews could be okay if they only accepted the fact that Mohammed was the last of the prophets, and the successor to Moses. If the Jews who are people of the book, would only submit to Islam and recognise this fact, well then, we could all be friends now couldn't we?

When people say the Koran accepts Jews they are obviously wrong. The Koran and Islam only accepts anyone who submits to male Muslim rule. This is after all the whole point of Islam. Domination and power. But Jews can be useful. Muslim Caliphs made great use of Jewish talents – administrative, military, economic, literary, philosophical. Jews were useful, but not equal. They had refused to submit to Mohammed.

Baat Yeor and Dr. Bostrom have done great jobs in trying to estimate the number of Jews killed by Arab and Muslim imperialism. The numbers certainly range in the high many millions. Islam was not some multi-cult paradise implied by today's dumb vote-seeking politicians and dumber Hollywood movies. Islam was and is, an apartheid anti-semitic dogma. Dogma in the sense of ritual and non-thinking obedience. Part of this cultish script is hatred of Jews. Nothing else can explain for instance, the endless Arab assault on Israel since May 15 1948.

Not only is Arab and Muslim hatred of Jews a genetic component of Islam's DNA, it is fused with Nazi ideology. The Arabs were allies of the Germans in both world wars. With Nazi money and men, Baath parties were established during the 1930s and 1940s throughout the Arab states. Hussein's Baath party, now declared illegal [though that may soon change], was one example. With Nazi ideology and templates the Arabs fused European anti-semiticism with their own.

This gave a whole new horizon of anti-Semitic opportunity. The old anti-semitic rants, could now be updated with imported modern, and Nazified anti-Jewish madness.

So all the familiar themes of European Jew hatred – Jews drinking children's blood, Jews engaged in satanic rituals of blood sacrifice, the protocols of Zion, the international Jewish conspiracy, Jewish domination of profits and media – found a loving and lasting home in the Muslim heartland. The Arabs enthusiastically embraced both the formation of Nazi parties called the Baath or Renaissance party, and anti-semitic propaganda in schools, the media, politics and at the UN. Thanks to European fascism, the Koran was updated for modern Jew hatred.

Hating Jews is absolutely essential to the survival of Islam and indeed for Arab psychology. Remove the Jews and then what? The hate-doctrine then would be replaced by Christians and Americans one would expect. The hate would move on surely. Without hate, racism, and supremacism Islam cannot exist. As with Nazism, it is entirely a negative philosophy – no golden rule; no free will; no division of powers – just the will to rule, conquer and make others submit.

This reality is what makes those who cry and wail about 'land for peace', or 'leaving the occupied territories' [land necessary for self-defence], sound so obscenely ridiculous. They have no idea of the depth and savagery of the new and the old anti-semiticism. Arab hatred of Jews and Muslim demands of Jewish eradication are real. They are not just words, acts, or theatrical displays. They reveal what Islam really is – an irrational ideology of hate and racism, founded on old anti-semiticism, but updated with the Nazified new.