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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ban the Burqa, the Hijab and the Niqab

Branding women like dogs or cattle is not the Western way.

by StFerdIII

There are many good reasons to ban the moving bed sheet attire, apparently so deeply coveted as status symbols by Muslim women. Even if one is dubious of Islam's claim that its women really do like looking like unmade gliding beds, there are societal and cultural reaons why the Hijab should be banned. In short banning the Burqa, the Hijab and the Niqab would ban Islam's direct and anti-social assualt on Western values.

Many girls are murdered across the Islamic world, some for the petty crime of not wanting to look like their parents unmade bed. Covering women up is not necessarily mandated in the Koran, but it stems from Arab culture and their misogynistic attitude towards the female. In Arab and Muslim culture the male rules, the female obeys, and the female is branded as a piece of property, a cow, a man's dog, chattel to serve and please the man. This is one of the keystones of Arab and Islamic culture and of Islam supremacism. Islam is a male dominated cult.

But the Muslim fetish for bedsheet wear goes beyond even simple misogny. It is a direct assualt on the West. If you read Ed Hussein's book on 'Why i became an Islamist and left' the former English Muslim makes it very clear that women wear the bed sheet dress to express superiority over Western values, and to assert their distinctiveness. They wear the Burqa [complete body covering including the hands], the Jilbab, [full body covering with the face open]; the Hijab [headscarf with the face left open], or the Niqab [full body covering with only the eyes visible]; as a statement of Islamic superiority. It is a conscious act of Muslim supremacism. Done to intimidate the West.

Should we put up with this?

Bed sheets and their anti-Westen, female-branding are outlawed in public spaces in Holland, France, Germany, and Turkey. The UK, Australia, Canada and the US need to follow suit. Melanie Philips the author of 'Londinistan, How Britain is Creating a Terror State Within', recently told an audience at the Middle East Forum in London that 'wearing the niqab and burka was a political act used by Muslims to show that they did not want to integrate or intend to observe our laws by sending a message that their loyalty is only to Allah.'

And that is exactly why it is a problem. But it goes even deeper than Islamic arrogance. It also denigrates, whether they admit or know it, the Muslim female.

In the United States, Newsweek reported that the wearing of a hijab [or the headscarf] was on the increase among American born Muslima university students. The Saudi-financed Wahhabist front organisation CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations], who has direct ties to Hamas and Hizbollah [party of God], legal advisor, Arsalan Ifhtikar declared that, 'The hijab is the walking symbol of Islam.' Again another open admission of Islamic bravado and supremacism.

In the UK the Burqa [a total head and body covering] has been barred from classrooms in the UK, and it is illegal in public places in five Belgian towns, and the Dutch legislature has banned it altogether. In Italy the country's 'Charter of Values, Citizenship and Immigration', calls face coverings unacceptable, though still not illegal. A courtroom in the United States has expelled a Burqa wearing women on the gounds that it affronted person recognition.

Wouldn't banning Muslim dress affront their 'religion'?

Yes and that is precisely the point. Islam is not a religion. It is a 3000 year old Arabian moon cult with all the attendant features that such a pagan savagery entails. It is ritualised, primitive, patriarchical and anti-modern. If scientology is not a religion than neither is a moon cult.

Western societies do not embrace paganism. Shamans are not allowed to run naked covered by shamanistic body art, down our streets because their ideology says they can do that. Druids and Wiccans don't float down our avenues wearing their bizarre body wear. There are numerous laws covering dress and undress. These laws were enacted to protect society and enforce some code of sartorial conformity.

Islam has no natural law right; human right or legal claim to be outside of Western laws and mores. Wearing a flowing bedsheet which covers the person is a direct statement of confrontation with the host society. It states boldly that they, the Islamic woman, rejects Western society. If you argue that this is freedom of choice than fine – it is society's freedom of collective choice to reject such supremacism and demand that the initiator take her attitude and her linen-wear, back to the home country. This is not Arabia.

Many Muslim women are forced to wear the bed room attire. A Montreal mosque recently posted on its Web site a warning to the effect that if young girls took off their Hijab, they could end up getting raped and having 'illegitimate children.' Most Muslim girls are repatedly told that if they take off their Hijab, they would cease to be Muslims: 'By removing your hijab, you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Allah in all our actions.'

Therein lies the set of problems. Wearing the Muslim dress is not only anti-social and anti-Western, it is at its root, whether the female realises it or not, anti-woman. It is a pathetic form of branding, denoting the woman as Allah's slave, and later in life, as the meat and property of her husband. It is as crude a branding as the pokers used on cattle, or collars on a dog. By so branding a female, Muslim men ensure compliance to themselves and the cult of Allah; and importantly, they destroy the female sense of independence, free will and freedom of thought and choice. These fundamental values are at the core of Western society. Islam rejects them all.

And this is why the Muslim bed sheet sartorial splendour needs to be abolished. It is a symbol of everything that is wrong with Islam and everything that Islam rejects from the West. Free will, natural law rights, transparency, openness, social liberation – these and more are soundly rejected by the Hijab covered female and her male oppressors.

Try this experiment. You the worthless infidel pig, attempt to strike up a polite conversation in the elevator with the phantom bed sheet attired supremacist Muslim female. The result? No words, no eye contact, no recognition that you, the useless kaffir, are even alive. To the Hijab wearing Muslim female, you the infidel male are nothing.

It is clear that bed-room wear is almost a pathologically anti-social statement. Once Western society bans the bed sheet attire, than its lure as a Muslim destination point will dim, and immigration from Muslim countries should drop. Along with a complete ban on Saudi financed Islamic projects including Mosques and schools, banning the various forms of supremacist Muslim dress would almost instantaneously reform immigration flows - to our favor.

Whether the Muslim woman agrees with the above is immaterial. It is the greater society and culture which are put at risk by this morbid display of anti-Western hatred. We are the West, and we are superior. Muslim women, liberate yourselves and remove your bedsheets. If you can't, have a nice trip back to the greater Arabian empire. Take up your rights concerns in the land of your pagan Allah.