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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Melanie Phillips: 'The World Turned Upside Down'. And so it is.

When cults and irrationalities are declared rational, moral and enlightened.

by StFerdIII


In her excellent book 'The World Turned Upside Down', Phillips who resides in the midst of Londonistan, exposes the cults of irrationality which threaten to divorce reality from human existence, and in the place of the real-world, impose a fantasy world of Utopian ideals, counter culture, a hatred of humanity and pagan mysticism. We have the mindlessness of cults everywhere powerful and prevalent. Islam is Peace; Globaloney Warming; Great Man O-Messiah worship; pop-psychology hooey and Oprah; humanity as a stinking violent virus; Jew hate; and the worship of the occult. As Phillips indicates in lucid and incredibly well-sourced detail, the world is indeed up side down. Islamic determinism is peace and free will. Lies are science. A US Arab-Black Marxist politician is a God. Pagan theology is religious. The irrational is rational. It seems as if some 3000 years of human development towards intelligence, responsibility, ethics, and culture is simply being tossed aside in a mad stampede to communalism, cult organisation, Western self-destruction and pre-neolithic worship of Gaia. This is intelligent or 'progressive'?

One example dealt with at length by Phillips is the Eco-cult and Globaloney Warming. Eco-Terrorism or Eco-Fascism is by its very construct is a death cult. It is totalitarian, pregnant with lies, innuendo, ridiculous data models, propaganda, cult worship and irrationality. It is also the largest financial and political scam in history. The de-humanizing aspect of the Eco-Cult is however its most important and signal element. Eco Fascists and those pushing GlobaloneyWarming or Climate Change believe as a matter of faith and religiosity, that the human is not unique, or special. As Phillips comments;

Whereas the religions of Judaism and Christianity place man at the center of Creation, the religion of ecology seeks to boot man out of aims to knock him off that perch by undoing civilization. Environmentalists, as Christopher Manes puts it, believe that 'by exposing the myths of civilization, its unwarranted anthropocentrism, its privileging of technological progress, its claims of hegemony over the natural world...'”

For the Eco-believers the human is simply another animal, a chemical combination put together by chance over billions of years, a predator, a carnivore, or more likely a virus, and unworthy parasite sucking, maiming and destroying the earth mother and nature. If we don't halt human progress than not only will the Earth Mother suffer, but humans are going to die anyways:

“In 1968, in The Population Bomb, Paul Ehrlich predicted apocalypse if the Third World's population was not curbed.....'In the course of the 1970s the world will experience starvation of tragic proportions – hundreds of millions of people will starve to death', with 65 million people [perishing just in America] in a 'great die off'.

Lies, propaganda and massive distortions are familiar patterns of cults and Fascisms. This is precisely how the Nazis operated [described here]. The German Fascists were of course the first 'Greenists' dedicated to creating a 'green' economy, a national vegan diet, and moving Germany off of carbon fuels. Most of the Nazi programs presaged quite clearly, the variety of Eco-cult proposals now in train. Al Gore would have made a very good and dedicated Green Nazi. As Phillips writes;

The earth is important and has value; mankind merely corrupts and destroys it. That is why ecologists had so much in common with Nazism, with its hostility to modernity, reason, and progress.”

“The desire to downgrade the human race, and even run it out of Creation altogether, has united environmentalism with population control, the movement that went underground after being discredited by fascism.”

'Downgrading' the human race leads ineluctably or as the character Smith in the Matrix would put it, 'inevitability Mr. Anderson', to plans of genocide. Killing humans for the good of the Earth Mother, thus becomes in the deluded mind of the Eco cult members, a 'rational' response' to salve the wounds that man inflicts upon nature. The Nazi plans of genocidal murders to eradicate 'undesirables' certainly must resonate with the modern Green Fascist. The only question is how do we decide who is allowed to live or die? The answer is of course, the ruling elite of the Eco-cult will make such decisions. As Phillips elucidates:

In its 1972 report The Limits of Growth, the global think tank the Club of Rome predicted that the exhaustion of natural resources would prevent economic growth from continuing indefinitely. By 1993, it was proposing a kind of fascistic, anti-human new world order, declaring in The First Global Revolution that a 'new type of world society' was needed to fill the vacuum after the expiry of communism and fascism....'The common enemy of humanity is man...'”

This is a common theme in Eco-Fascism – man is the enemy of man. It is a stupid idea, but one dearly bought into by the true believers. Thus, forcible state induced human reduction is mandatory. State funded abortion on demand [sold to voters as a matter of 'choice']; one-child only birthing policies; and the elimination of undesirables [deniers, capitalists, Christians etc]; becomes part of the 'rational' and 'moral' plan to save ourselves from ourselves [Orwellian irony would be lost on the Eco cult]:

...the Optimum Population Trust (OPT). The force behind this group is Sir Jonathon Porritt, head of the British government's Sustainable Development Commission. The OPT argues that population growth is a main driver of greenhouse gas emissions and accordingly has suggested that the UK population must be cut by half....”  and

The anti-human agenda of ecology was spelled out clearly by Edward Goldsmith, founder of The Ecologist, who wrote....that ecology was a religion that would displace science and halt human progress. The most desirable type of human organization, he stated, was 'temporary settlements of nomads”.....Goldsmith saw progress as bad because it disrupted the evolution of the planet.”

The only way to cure Mother Earth from the effects of a natural chemical called Co2, whose composition of total gases is less than 1%, and whose chemical attributes are quickly and easily recycled and used by the other 1 million variables in our climate; is of course to wipe out progress, destroy modernity and certainly, eliminate half, or a third of mankind. Of all these plans and attitudes are hallmarks of a Fascism.

According to Phillips, man is now relegated to an unimportant and malignant 'thing', and it is far easier to kill 'things' than a living animal. Further, since man is just a thing, our free will can be denied and fate inserted for responsibility, intelligence and creativity. Reason is now deemed to be unimportant. Free will a laughable relic of pre post-modern civilization. Fatalism entails that we have 'no choice' and must eliminate humans, replace Christian culture with eco-worship; and dismantle our world:

“In delivering the message that man is a helpless tool of forces beyond his control, determinism suggested that man had no free will. His behavior was to be explained by social or economic circumstances, or by his genes. Mankind was therefore free of moral responsibility.”

This is why Leftism, Greenism and Communism are in the main so enamored of Islam. There is no free will in Islam [and no Golden Rule]. The moon idol or unknowable thing Allah determines all. You read these words because he allows it. You pilgrimage to Mecca because he wills it. You will die and be assessed at his convenience. Reason and rationality are unimportant in Islam. They are ignored and debauched within the Eco-Fascist movement as well. No science, no debate, no enquiry. Shut up and obey what the cult says, and do what the cult wills you to do. That is your role in life, at least until the cult decides that you should die, along with your children, and other undesirables.

Phillips has done a great job on exposing in intricate detail, the purity of Fascism embedded in GlobaloneyWarming and Climate Change pagan theology. For anyone who is sick and tired of this scam, the sections alone on Eco-terrorism makes this book a great buy.