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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Muddy Brown Eco-Cult. Wasting money and time.

But very interested in power and profit.

by StFerdIII

 Green is the new red. Or not so new red. Green and red when blended become muddy brown. This is an appropriate color for the green cult and its government enablers. Muddy. Inchoate. Ugly. Government is usually the problem not the solution, and this certainly applies to the socialist effort to re-engineer the world from carbon energy to the age of Mother Earth friendly sci-fi fantasy technology.

Spain incurred a $126 billion Euro debt thanks to its championing of wind and solar power. The rest of Europe has experienced similar muddy-brown technology financial fiasco's. Europeans are in a debt quagmire thanks to the imposition of socialism and the munificent waste by the state of wealth and enterprise. Technically all of Europe is bankrupt in no small measure due to its micro-management of its economy, including the carbon-energy sector. The EU is in large part simply a contract of redistribution especially to vested interests which own politicians including the farmer-lobby; national industrial 'champions'; and of course the muddy brown-tech nexus. The muddy brown cult is just a part of the socialist-engineering experience gone awry. We need to stop subsidizing all energy systems and 'grids' including hydro-power.

As Ross McKitrick wrote so well, which would deeply offend the muddy-brown cult:

The Green Energy Act (GEA) was proposed as both an environmental policy and a job-creation policy. It is misguided on both scores.

With regards to job creation, there is nothing special about subsidizing electricity generation. It’s just as harmful as subsidizing anything else. We have long and lamentable experience in Canada with failed job creation schemes based on subsidies to money-losing industries. ....

In countries like Spain and the U.K., which launched their own versions of the GEA a decade ago, the job losses are now being confirmed by independent analyses. In the U.K., a report by Verso Economics used the Scottish government’s own macroeconomic model to show that, despite receiving net transfers of about £330-million ($521-million) from the rest of the U.K. for its renewables sector, Scotland still experienced a net job loss from wind power, and for the U.K. as a whole, 3.7 jobs were lost for every job created in renewable energy.

....peaceful rolling hills and pleasant countryside. But that is precisely what is being destroyed through the rapid proliferation of industrial wind-turbine installations across the Ontario landscape. The GEA strips local authorities of their customary planning and zoning tools for protecting environmental amenities. As a result, the “green” that people actually want to enjoy is being ruined in the name of “green” ideology.

Second, expanding the renewables portfolio is redundant since 75% of Ontario’s electricity comes from nuclear and hydro power, which do not generate emissions. ...

If the goal is to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, the GEA goes about it in the most costly and ineffective way ever tried — yet another failure. There are cheaper and more effective options that don’t create big cost increases for households and businesses.

The muddy-brown cult does not like rationality. If you blight the entire world with bird-killing and ineffective wind-turbines, subsidized and erected at great taxpayer expense, which generate zero power but enrich the coffers of GE et al., that is okay. So too are the useless solar farms placed along latitudes which have no more than 100 days of clear sunlight per annum. Ridiculous. But land developers, power brokers and their political allies do benefit from the land deals, and the brokered arrangement to turn the countryside into a moonscape salvage dump. That is the real game inside the muddy brown cult. People benefit with hard dollars from the imposition of muddy brown technology. The politicians, their friends, large corporations and land developers. No surprise. As with GlobaloneyWarming, the muddy brown nexus of 'friends' is in the game for money and power.