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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Climate Coup and criminality.

The Muddy Brown cult is an exercise in morbid illegality and immorality.

by StFerdIII

 The Cato Institute has published a book called 'Climate Coup' which should be read by anyone who has an interest in knowing more about the political-social power desired by the GlobaloneyWarming or Climate-Changealoney cult. There is no science to GlobaloneyWarming, just as there is no proof for the existence of Sasquatch, or flying pink elephants. Like all cults, the Climate crowd is interested in money, power, and control. Rational science, humanism, or a real concern for on the ground eco-issues like clean water, or supplying proper and accountable energy sourcing, are not cult concerns.

"Global warming alarmism

is invading nearly every aspect of our society. Despite convincing evidence that climate change does not portend an apocalyptic future, children are inundated with that idea in schools. Poor countries shake down rich ones in the name of climate “justice.” Lawmakers try to impose tariffs and sanctions on nations that don’t agree with their environmental views. The military uses climate change as a reason to enlarge its budget. And courts are compelling the government to restrict the amount of energy we use and the way we use it.

Climate Coup provides an antidote to this, gathering together myth-breaking insights and data from a team of experts on the pervasive influence global warming alarmism is having on health, education, law, national defense, international development, trade, and academic publishing.

Global warming’s reach has become ubiquitous,” writes the editor, Patrick Michaels. “This book documents how far unelected bureaucracies have pushed this issue into our lives.”

Each author details the width and depth of the impact global warming alarmism is having on his or her area of expertise. The coverage includes:

-How the Constitution’s limited government restraints have been torn away, allowing global warming policy to be dictated by the president.

-The deliberate abdication of legislative authority by Congress to further concentrate regulatory power in the executive and judicial branches.

-How outrageous exaggerations of global warming fuel budget expansion within the Defense Department.

-How students are subjected to forms of climate change education that are akin to social engineering.

-How trade policies do nothing about climate change but erode market freedoms.

-Ending the myth that global warming reduces the quality of life in developing countries.

-An examination of the unrealistic and unsupported public health claims made about global warming.

Climate Coup confronts the exaggerations, opportunism, and myths about global warming that are all too pervasively altering the shape of our lives and provides the tools and insights necessary to push back against the takeover.  Climate Coup is edited by Dr. Patrick Michaels, senior fellow in environmental studies at the Cato Institute. According to Cato, “Dr. Michaels is widely acknowledged by climate alarmists as today’s most effective synthesizer of the nonapocalyptic view of climate change. He is a distinguished senior fellow in the School of Public Policy at George Mason University and a past president of the American Association of State Climatologists. He has also authored multiple books on global warming, including Climate of Extremes: Global Warming Science They Don’t Want You to Know.”

Mother Earth emits 95% of all Co2. Co2 is a natural chemical and follows climate of course. Thermodynamic physics militates against a 'global climate' theory. The most important 'global' variable would be the Sun, followed by El Nino or La Nina events and oceanic current movements. None of these are modelled by the eco-cult, the IPCC or the CRU-Hadley axis of mendacity. What is going on here is little more than a collective of criminality intent on its own power and profiteering.