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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Obama's pro-Arab 'spring' and foreign policy.

Just true to his roots and mis-education.

by StFerdIII


The incomparable Stanley Kurtz on the radical-in-Chief the great man Obama. A Marxist, a socialist, a pro-Arab, pro-Muslim leader. It comes from his roots, his family which was largely Islamic, his education which was radical and socialist, and his friends and supporters. Obama was a Muslim and he is 1/3 Arab. His family is Muslim. His mother was a radical Communist, his dad a drunken Marxist-supremacist who hated Whites. Of course this heritage infiltrates the Obama's world view. The entire foreign policy emanating from the O-House is one of appeasement, relativity and a dim view of America. Obama has never believed in American exceptionalism, or the superiority of Western Civilisation – unless he is running for election. He attended a racist church for 20 years, but apparently that is kosher with the mainstream media elite. In the real world however, his lies simply hide the real truth behind the tele-prompter reading mystic. Obama is pro-Arab; pro-Islam; and anti-Israel, not to mention indifferent to America's Republican experiment. For the O-deity Sweden is the template of cultural attainment and the UN's declaration of 1948 creating Israel an abomination.

Socialism and Arab-Muslim supremacism at Columbia:

Although Obama has long withheld his college transcripts from the public, the Los Angeles Times reported in 2008 that Obama took a course from Edward Said sometime during his final two undergraduate years at Columbia University. This was just around the time Obama’s ties to organized socialism were deepening, and certainly suggests a sincere interest in Said’s radical views. As Martin Kramer points out, in his superb 2008 review of Obama’s Palestinian ties, Said had just then published his book The Question of Palestine, definitively setting the terms of the academic Left’s stance on the issue for decades to come.

[Comment; After Qutb, Said is one of the most radical Islamic political-theologians and 'thinkers' of the 20th century. He has demanded the elimination of Israel by all-out war and the liquidation of Jewry.]

Pro-Palestinian position:

After Obama finished his initial community-organizing stint in Chicago and graduated from Harvard Law School, he settled down to a teaching job at the University of Chicago around 1992, and went about laying the foundations of a political career. Sometime not long after his arrival at the University of Chicago, Obama connected with Rashid Khalidi.

....Martin Kramer has unearthed powerful evidencesuggesting that Khalidi was at one time an official spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization....Khalidi’s influence helped turn the University of Chicago of the Nineties into “the hot place to be for . . . trendy postcolonialist, blame-America, trash-Israel” scholarship.

Said and Khalidi:

.....In May 1998, Edward Said traveled from Columbia to Chicago to present the keynote address at a dinner organized by the Arab American Action Network, a group founded by Rashid and Mona Khalidi. We’ve known for some time that Barack and Michelle Obama sat next to Edward and Mariam Said at that event. (Pictures are available.) It has not been noticed, however, that a detailed report on Said’s address exists, along with an article by Said published just days before the event (Arab American News, May 22, June 12, 1998). Between those two reports, we can reconstruct at least an approximate picture of what Obama might have heard from his former professor that day.

For the most part, Said focused his article (and likely his talk as well) on harsh criticisms of Israel, which he equated with both South Africa’s apartheid state and Nazi Germany.

Obama campaigned on ending all of the conflicts in the Muddled Yeast. America is still in Iraq and will still be in Afgarbageistan 10 years from now. America is engaged with 'radical' Islam out of necessity and survival and in spite of the O-House's objections. Reality has imposed itself on the O's fantasy world. But we see the curtains pulled back and the O-deity's radical anti-Israel, and anti-Western proclivities in his June 2009 grovel from Cairo, and his May 22nd 2011 demand that Israel unilaterally give up land and become defenceless. Egypt is already re-arming Hamas in Gaza. Hizbollah is preparing for another war succoured with money and arms from Syria, Turkey and Iran. The PLO and Fatah have armed citizen-militia waiting for the next war to begin. One of Obama's primary foreign policy aims is to grant the Arabs what they want and to degrade and eventually dismantle Israel. It is after all what his father called for, and it would be what his mother, not to mention Said and Khalidi would support.