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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hal Lewis and the American Physical Society

Why one real scientist left the organization.

by StFerdIII

The quackery of globaloneywarming and the L Ron Gore eco-cult. There is a stark difference between legitimate local concerns about the environment and abstract nonsense about Co2, Methane, 'greenhouse effects' and globaloney 'patterns' and 'drivers'. Locally, clean water, breathable air, land and water creatures surviving and thriving, green areas, farmland abundant if not protected, and a livable eco-system nourishing human society is what everyone since time immemorial has demanded and acceded to possess. I have not met one single bi-ped who has whimsically ascertained that he prefers black skies, brown polluted water, sewage flowing openly, air which chokes, a landscape littered with dead carcasses and water areas dense with floating dead fish and aquatic life. Yet the eco-cult presents the world in such a dichotomous and quite raving mad way. Believe in globaloneywarming or you are a holocaust denying fascist who really wants to murder all animal life and kill off the poor earth mother. This is not science but simpleton propaganda. A main issue is – why would anyone believe that Co2 causes anything, and what do you get from that belief ? Moral superiority? A bumper sticker affirming your bona fides? Hair flicking rights at the local dinner party?

'Science' has climbed down a long deep dark dirty rat hole in its supposed 'support' of such irrationality as Co2 causing climate change. Before 'science' became political via public funding, anyone, even those who did not possess a 'degree' could discover through the scientific method, any number of natural laws. The great founders of the Western scientific from Roger Bacon, to Nicholas Oresme, to Newton, Liebniz, Descartes and Copernicus were all self-taught. None went to Harvard. None screamed that the laws of mechanical physics, helio-centricity, geo-centricity, gravity, electromagnetism, or mathematical formulae were 'settled science'. Hypotheses are tested, some fail, some succeed. Peer review will add, subtract, modify or annul various theses. But not so with globaloneywarming. No data sets are made public. Algorithms are hidden. Dissenters attacked. 10 years of emails and letters were released showing a calculated intent to defraud the public – and rake in the tax money, grants and subsidies. Big surprise.

Dr. Lewis amongst others recently, resigned from the American Physical Society. He wanted debate, data and peer reviewed science around the fantasy named globaloneywarming. He received opprobrium, stonewalling indifference, vilification and persona-non-grata status. Science at its best. His letter is instructive.

Dr. Lewis' letter reads in part:

The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’etre of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs. ... I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society. 

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.”

Co2 induced climate change was always a scam. It is about the money, the power, the regulatory overkill, the desire by bureaucrats, quacks, academics and others to micro-manage our world.

I think it is the money, exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago. There are indeed trillions of dollars involved, to say nothing of the fame and glory (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that go with being a member of the club. Your own Physics Department (of which you are chairman) would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Mike Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for doing otherwise. As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. Since I am no philosopher, I’m not going to explore at just which point enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes it clear that this is not an academic question.”

Each year billions of dollars greases the groaning wheels and apparati of globaloneywarming. The mainstream media, ever desirous to announce the end of the world and another panic, pathetically repeats the tired refrains from the likes of Prince Charles, Prophet L Ron Gore, the WWF, the Sierra Club and any number of tax funded frauds and cheats. The question again is – what exactly does Joe Serf and Jane Peasant get from the cult of globaloneywarming and the corruption and fraud which makes up this cult?