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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Morons in the 'Occupy Movement'. Behold the Obama-lovers.

Ignorance is not bliss. It is just ignorance. The failure of modern education.

by StFerdIII


The Occupy movements are populated by those fools who voted for Obama and who revere the 'great men' of national socialism. Apparently they don't know much about political-economic history. For these fatalities of failed education, Communism was a great idea, just poorly implemented – regardless of the 100 million killed from various National Socialist regimes ranging from Hitler and Stalin to Castro and Chavez. They don't know that government meddling in housing finance and the housing market over 60 years led to an inevitable implosion. They can't grasp that Wall Street and 'Banksters' engaged in derivative production were at the end of a long government inspired chain of housing finance interventionism and corporatism. Government is the problem not 'capitalism' which does not even exist in our world. They don't seem to care that corrupt politicians like Obama received millions in funding from government agencies like Fan and Fred who held 2/3 of all bad mortgages, themselves products of political corruption and meddling.

The occupy movement is full of simpletons – Marxists, Communists, 20 something air heads with useless degrees from more useless centres of lower education; Green Fascists and big government devotees. What a rabble of trash. They don't represent anyone but the losers and detritus of a failed welfarist education.

From a reporter who actually went to Zuccotti Park in NYC:

Also absent was any notice of how the much-hated banks benefited not from free-market capitalism, which would have let them fail in 2008, but from crony capitalism that bailed them out. The similar cronyism practiced by Trumka and the Obama administration -- massive spending on useless but politically connected businesses like Solyndra, paired with class-warfare rhetoric -- likewise has very little to do with free markets.

I don’t advise going down to Zuccotti Park to have a serious conversation with the protesters, given their growing propensity toward violence and the growing revolutionary tone of the movement. But I would suggest that President Obama might want to put a hold on his support for the Occupy Wall Street movement as his 2012 re-election bid approaches.

If he keeps saying nice things about the protesters, the debate among business types and voters won’t be whether the president has some socialist leanings, but how much virtue he sees in the thoughts of Karl Marx.”

Obama is a Marxist. It is no surprise that he wants to secure 'his base' for the next election. Airheads chanting bumper sticker slogans like 'Peace Now', 'Love is Power', 'Love the World', 'I am the 99%' are morons who will vote for any politician who promises them free goodies, candies and guarantees. No wonder the political-economy is such a mess. This is what mass enfranchisement leads to – mobocracy, the rule of the loudest most vile gangsters in society who can be mobilized around ideas which fit into a sticker riding on the bumper of a Smart car.

Nothing highlights the poverty of the modern age and its failed socialist-welfarist education system better than the Occupy movement.