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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GlobaloneyWarming Melting down.

Climate Fascists running out of 'causes'.

by StFerdIII


The GlobaloneyWarming-ClimateChange cult is on hard times. Most people have tuned out the endless drone of doom from the EcoFascists. Killing humans, destroying the modern world and engaging in neo-lithic Gaia worship strikes most of us as rather inane and insane. But like with all cults, the more desperate these people become, the more shrill and violent will be their actions. Ignoring reality must have a disturbing affect on mental processes.

Pittsburgh Tribune Op Ed

Since the meltdown two years ago in Copenhagen on carbon curbs that would clobber developed nations, the Church of Global Warming has been unable to draft a credible creed. Chief EU climate negotiator Artur Runge-Metzger says he doubts one will materialize at the U.N. climate conference scheduled Nov. 28 in Durban.

But Mr. Runge-Metzger tells the International Business Times that conference delegates should "formulate a road map that points to a global legal framework" because the Kyoto Protocol -- a case study in climate extremism -- runs out next year.

In other words, forget all the mounting evidence that disputes man-made climate change and its unrealized predictions. Instead, the world should follow U.N.-backed scientists who warn of "irreparable damage" and extreme weather because of carbon emissions.

To "save" the planet, wealthy nations should pay enormous sums to impoverished and/or "emerging" economies, which sit back and collect the cash. No thanks.

What hangs in the air is the unmistakable stench of wealth redistribution in pursuit of social re-engineering and, yes, even new world orders. And it's backed by the worst that junk science has to offer.

Neo-Marxist, World Government. That is one plank in the EcoLypse's platform. More state, more taxes, more regulations, less bothersome inquiry and real science. The Oracle of Delphi on a global scale, supported by 'scientists' and technocratic ideologues.

As Laframboise has proven most of these 'scientists' who support GlobaloneyWarming are in fact anything but – they are simply activists, charlatans, and catatonic quacks. They are the usual cadre of just graduated air-heads, Phds who receive state funding and Hegelian-like academic power mongers who will 'prove' that 2+2 = Y, as long as they get the funding and the notoriety that goes along with ignoring reality. There is no science around 'climate change'. Just a whole lot of fraud and money-grubbing.

More GlobaloneyWarming Junk Science getting debunked, floods have no relationship to Co2 – wow now that is a surprise......:

US Geological Survey scientists examined statistical relationships between annual floods at 200 long-term (85–127 years of record) stream gauges in the coterminous United States and the global mean carbon dioxide concentration (GMCO2) record.

They conclude in a new study published in Hydrological Sciences Journal that:

In none of the four regions defined in this study is there strong statistical evidence for flood magnitudes increasing with increasing GMCO2. One region, the southwest, showed a statistically significant negative relationship between GMCO2 and flood magnitudes. The statistical methods applied compensate both for the inter-site correlation of flood magnitudes and the shorter-term (up to a few decades) serial correlation of floods.

Al Gore also learned today that:

Facts are sure the send the Ecolypters into apoplexies of rage and intolerant, incoherent spitting, even whilst they wear their Love is Power and Mother Earth is Compassionate t-shirts.