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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Climate Gate 2.0 and Globaloney Climate Change

The Warming Fascists will blame the 'Deniers' for daring to think and criticize.....

by StFerdIII


ClimateGate2.0. The 'experts', 'scientists' and and associated Marxist-Eco Fascist geniuses hard at work manipulating data, deleting emails, avoiding public transparency, and garnering more tax money. All in the name of One-World-Government and Mother Gaia. Now this is settled science!


Links to the good stuff on ClimateGate2.0. A new Thanksgiving tradition. More ClimateBaloney with your Turkey?

All of the above just proves of course GlobaloneyWarming is real, and that the real criminals are those who dare to criticize the cult and its 'settled science'. What was that again about the Ptolemaic Universe?