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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lots of cults for the Marxists and Socialists to choose from.

Narcissism, plunder, Gaia - all there to worship.

by StFerdIII

 Everyone has their own theology and 'religion'. But cults are not religions. A religion aspires to support free-will, freedom, immanent morality and ethics. It serves to make the person and the world better. Cults destroy these religious aspirations. Cults enslave, 'irrationalize', impose, and eradicate. Cults mandate that their members reduce their sensitivity to thinking, true effort, material and spiritual development and in understanding what goes on in the real world. Myths, visions, and abstracts replace truth, in the world of cults. The modern world resembles in many ways the neolithic. Cults are everywhere.

Cult examples:

1) Church of the Holy Evolution

Do you really believe that a lizard 'evolved' into Brontosaurus or that a gazelle keep reaching for higher leaves and 'evolved' into the giraffe ? Do you really believe that single cells magically formed, developing into multi-cell structures, which then 'over time', developed into small mammals which 'grew into' monkeys and eventually humans ? What rational person really believes this fairy tale which is more absurd than any theological explanation for the appearance [and mass disappearances] of flora and fauna?

2) Church of the Holy Warming

Do you really believe that a trace chemical – Co2 – which is 3/100 of 1% of atmospheric gases [on Venus Co2 is 80%], 95% emitted by Gaia, is changing 'climate'? How is this 'scientific'? Where are the publicly available methodologies, data models, software algorithms, and database code, which 'models' this assertion ? Why are measuring devices located at airports and urban heat vents ? Does any intelligent person really believe that killing humans, de-industrializing society, and aborting foetuses, based on non-science, will 'resolve' the 'climate issue', even though the 'issue' does not exist ? Or is this cult, simply another self-loathing, human-hating psychopathy ?

3) Church of the Holy 'earth has always been stable'

Do you really believe that nothing changes ? Connected to the Church of the Holy Warming is the cult that the earth has been spinning merrily on its axis in the same direction, at the same speed, in the same elliptical orbit forever. The weather, climate, and geology has never changed. Everything has been slow and methodical. Does any sane person really believe this ? The geological record and the cultural memory of mankind is clear and obvious that catastrophic change is the norm. This includes ice ages – which have nothing to do with the hated natural chemical Co2 – and the mass disappearances of flora and fauna. The ancients talk about the sun rising in the West. 'Traffic accidents' between cosmological objects is over the long term, inevitable. Yet the Church of Holy stability persists. This is an educated society?

4) Church of the Holy Narcissist

Does an intelligent person really believe in the Marxist-Darwinian theology, that only the 'material' world exists? If so then the hated human is a god or goddess. The extension of this cult is the worship of your ego. Does a supposedly perceptive mind truly believe that he or she is a miniature god, capable of 'knowing all'? Is the worship of the self as the greatest expression of a carbon life form, a veneration of insight or ignorance ?

5) Church of the Holy 'Scientism'

Does a sane person really believe that 'science' whatever that word might mean, knows 'everything'? What is science ? Is activism now science ? Is science ever 'closed' or finished? Are we so sure that what we hold to be science today will not be refuted in the future ? Does an intelligent person really believe that 'science' or a 'scientist' – whatever those terms may mean – have 'perfect' knowledge ?

6) Church of the Holy State

Does an intelligent person truly believe that an omnipotent state, which prints money, manufactures endless deficits and debts, to be paid by future generations, is 'moral' or 'just' ? Why would any sane person believe that the state is 'better' than the individual, a community of interests, or a market of competition in everything from ideas to goods ? Is it moral and just to plunder someone else for your own gain ? Is this standard not one of hypocrisy and pillage ? Why would anyone venerate the Church of the Holy State in place of human worth, free-will and freedom?

One could also add the Church of the Holy Reality TV, the Church of the Holy UN, and the Church of the Holy cult of Gay. But let's remember that is the middle ages, not today, which were of course 'the dark ages'. Sure they were.