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Monday, May 13, 2013

The coming mini-Ice Age - kill Gaia to save her!

If Co2 is the problem, kill the one which emits 95% - Gaia herself.

by StFerdIII

 Definition of Fascism: The individual becomes subsumed into the collective cult. No free-will, rationality, use of reason, free-speech or unfettered freedom of any kind is allowed. The cult or the state is uber alles. The person matters not. Only the communal is important.

GlobaloneyWarming wherein a trace chemical between 3/100 of 1 % to 4/100 of 1% of atmospheric gases; 95 % emitted by Gaia, was always a fascistic cult. Control energy. Manage carbon. Reduce the human to a self-loathing cult of evolution believer, with the state and the neolithic paganism of Gaia uber-alles. Sacrifice, murder, dispose of humans through more prevalent abortion or in the case of adults through 'culling' [gas chambers?] as some of the more lurid and evil of the Eco-Fascists insisted.

Co2 has nothing to do with anything. It is a minor player in a 1 million variable universe of complicated physics. We know next to nothing about climate. We certainly can't model its 1 million variable tangle of forces. In the 1970s the scam was GlobaloneyCooling. When that didn't work out it morphed into the cult of warm. When that failed it mutated to the cult of climate change. When that criminality was revealed a naked cult of power – theft of tax dollars, corruption, made up data, models that are not peer reviewed, algorithms which are coded to produce a desired result – the next lie is forwarded. As the BBC says, the cooling is the warming.

English Astrophysicist Piers Corbyn sums up this irrational, human-hating, lying cult of Fascism quite well [link]:

“‘Warm means cold’ is a pack of lies”:

  • The CO2 story is over

  • Mini ice age fingerprint now overwhelming

  • World cooling is now “locked in

  • Average solar activity way down

  • Jet stream often way south

  • Warm means cold is a pack of lies


The original cult of GlobaloneyCooling is likely accurate. The 200 year cycle of the Maunder Minimum, or the reduction in Sun spot activity likely presages a cooling climate and a mini-age. The Fascist cult of warm will attribute this to a natural trace chemical necessary for life. Fantastic. How to stop the mini ice age ? Abort/murder more fetuses/humans to appease Gaia ? North America only murders 3000 humans each day. Surely we can ramp that up. Or, since Gaia emits 95% of this trace chemical we need to kill her to save her !? Death is now life. Kill Gaia to stop the cooling!