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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lies from the cult of warm - another human-hating absurdity

Propaganda and mendacity is now 'science'

by StFerdIII

 One of the coldest springs and summers in recent memory is of course due to human-created Co2 emissions.....or so the lies and propaganda of the cult of warm, and their allies in government and the 'media' state. Some of the more lurid lies – the melting arctic [it is stable]; 'extreme weather', rising sea-levels, and 'warm summers' – are easily debunked by reality and by people who can think and who most likely do not watch or read the mainstream media. As Jefferson stated so appropriately, 'Thomas Jefferson: “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”

How true. Fill your head with state pablum, and media mendacity, and you too can become an evolutionary regression – a sponge brain encased in the Darwinian fantasy of a lemur's body.

'Arctic Lake' a lie:


University of Washington 'researchers' had to retract their 'research' that a pool had formed next to Santa's workshop after the media distorted the pictures, and location. No retraction by the MSM was given.

““The picture is slightly distorted,” said Axel Schweiger, who heads the Applied Physics Laboratory’s Polar Science Center. “In the background you see what looks like mountains, and that’s where the scale problem comes in – those are actually ridges where the ice was pushed together.”

Researchers estimate the melt pond in the picture was just over 2 feet deep and a few hundred feet wide, which is not unusual to find on an Arctic ice floe in late July.”

So a normal Arctic melting event is proof of globaloneywarming? Stupid. Antarctica by the way is heading for a record ice expansion. [link]

'Extreme weather' – except it is not.

Cold springs and summers such as the current one; only 'confirm' the globaloneywarming nonsense apparently. All weather events are now 'extreme' and 'unprecedented', even if that means that the average temps during what should be a hot season, are far below average in many parts of the world. This might indicate cooling, natural cycles or some other variable causation, that we in our general ignorance of climate, do not understand. Only the warmists are 100% that the trace chemical Co2 95% emitted by Gaia is to blame. That is just stupid. And the media are largely to blame for the stupidity. [link]

Before expressing their opinion that today’s weather is unusual, you would think that the Times’ editors would have also looked at some basic research, an example being weather expert Dr. David Ludlum’s fascinating works: Early American Tornadoes, 1586-1870 and Early American Hurricanes, 1492-1870. The Times clearly knew of Dr. Ludlum, praising him as “the nation’s foremost historian of American weather” in his obituary published by the newspaper in 1996.  But they pay no attention to what Dr. Ludlum actually wrote.

Here is a challenge for New York Times editors – identify the year from which the following statistics are derived:

In the U.S. 254 people died in tornadoes: 30 in Marquette Kansas; 87 in Snyder Oklahoma; 97 in Southwest Oklahoma; and 40 in Montague Texas. In addition, 40 people died in a November storm in Minnesota.

Globally, typhoons struck the Philippines in July, August, and September; a June typhoon in the Marshall Islands with 500 reported deaths; a storm killed 33 in the Republic of Salvador; severe storms and flooding in Ireland.

Record low temperatures occurred as follows: February 13, -33°C at Pond, Arkansas, -40°C at Lebanon, Kansas, and –40°C at Warsaw, Missouri. In Sydney, Australia lowest monthly averages in September and October joined the lowest spring minimums.

Record high temperatures: An estimated 91 people died of a July heat wave in New York City. On July 7th Parker, Arizona recorded 53°C. Rivadivia, Argentina recorded 49°C on 11th December. The heat caused an outbreak of the tropical disease Yellow Fever in New Orleans that spread north to Indiana.

Precipitation: Flooding in Ireland; Taylor Texas, received 2.4 inches in fifteen minutes on April 29th; on July 29th 11 inches of rain in southwest Connecticut resulted in extensive flooding that caused a dam to burst.

Arctic ice retreated dramatically allowing an explorer to be the first to enter waters previously inaccessible.

The year was 1905. Note that 254 people died from tornadoes, when the population density was much less than today.”

Sea Level lies [link]

In 2000, it was predicted that rising sea levels would wipe out many island states in the South Pacific. Sea levels would inundate many coastal conurbations by 2050. The reality is that the sea in-toto is not rising at all, or by such a minimalist amount that New York City will not need to spend $100 bn on an ocean barrier.

During the 20th century, sea levels as measured by tide gauges rose about 17cm, just short of 2mm a year. The most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that "no long-term acceleration of sea level has been identified using 20th-century data alone", but the organisation nonetheless forecast rises in the 21st century of 26-59cm as many scientists think that the rate of rise will increase seriously due to global warming.”

The cult of warm has predicted a two-foot or greater increase in sea levels over the next century. It won't happen. More likely will be a reduction in sea-levels. The opposite is usually the truth when you view statements from the corrupt, fraudulent and non-scientific cult of warm. Pity the person who believes in such stupidity.