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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Evolution: Fact or Fiction? - The Secret Truth Darwinists Don't Want You to Know by Randy Ruggles

How about fraud and fiction ?

by StFerdIII


Ruggles is another biologist who apostasied from the Atheist-cult of Darwin. His book is a list of quotes by scientists who mock Darwinism, or if more polite and in need of money, question it. Even Chuckie the non-scientist and general ignoramus thought his theory was a bit much:

I have asked myself whether I may have not devoted myself to a fantasy.” - Charles Darwin, “The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,” 1887, Vol. 2, p. 229.

The title of the book really should be 'Evolution, fiction and fraud?'. There is no 'fact' to the absurd idea that sponges mutated by the gods of chance and time into a giraffe, or that the leaping lizard turned his scales, via 'natural selection', into the incredible complicated machinery of feathers, with the attendant changes necessary in the skeleton, brain, respiratory, and circulatory systems. Darwinism is dumb.

Ruggles: “Darwin had no scientific qualifications at all. “His friend [Charles] Lyell, after reading ‘Origin,’ suggested that in a future edition he should ‘here and there insert an actual case to relieve the vast number of abstract propositions.’ It is, of course, the absence of actual cases that has always been the main difficulty with Darwin's evolution. There are no actual cases.”

The scaffold of Darwinist lies and hyperbolic tautology – abetted certainly by tax money – is 'accepted' by many 'academics' as valid. Ruggles' book highlights both the absurdity and more to the point, the fraud which is at the heart of the Darwin cult, itself a theocratic Atheism. Evolution is a fantasy world in which non-science usurps observable data and fact; and rhetoric replaces rigour and provable experimentation. Just because some quack has a Phd does not mean that they are intelligent, educated or 'scientific'. In this vein science and its scientism is another corrupt cult of 'intellectuals' grubbing for tax money and relevancy.

It is no secret that evolutionists worship at the shrine of time. There is little difference between the evolutionist saying ‘time did it’ and the Creationist saying ‘God did it.’ Time and chance is a two-headed deity. Much scientific effort has been expended in an attempt to show that eons of time are available for evolution.” - Randy Wysong, "The Creation-Evolution Controversy," 1976, p. 137

You don't need a Phd to be a scientist. You only need apply common-sense, transparent methods, clearly articulated hypotheses and testing; and accept the reality of what the facts state. Darwinism is of course, the opposite of science.

5,000 scientists who have dissented from Darwinism. Another organization, Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity, proclaims on its website: “Educating the public on DME [Darwinian macro-evolution] is very important as the public is told, through a troubling lack of integrity in the science community, that the consensus of scientists is that DME is a fact, which is far from the truth . .

There is a kind of religion in science; it is the religion of a person who believes there is order and harmony in the Universe, and every event can be explained in a rational way as the product of some previous event; every effect must have a cause . . .” - Robert Jastrow, "God and the Astronomers," 1978.

As Ruggles makes clear Darwinian-Evolution, the poster lizard for Atheism, is a cult and a fraud, one based on simplistic and quite ridiculous mechanistic concepts and phaseology so in vogue 150 years ago and disproven in the same period of time by science and factual reality. To wit he quotes from scientists, who strongly doubt that the gods of chance, selection, time and mutation have much to do with anything:

when the false ‘evidence’ is taken away, the case for Darwinian evolution, in the textbooks at least, is so thin it’s almost invisible.”

My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years have completely failed. At least I should hardly be accused of having started from any preconceived anti-evolutionary standpoint.” - H. Nilsson, "Synthetic Speciation," 1953, p. 31.

We have no acceptable theory of evolution at the present time. There is none; and I cannot accept the theory that I teach to my students each year.” - Professor Jerome Lejeune, geneticist

Evolution is a fairy tale for grownups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless.” - H. S. Lipson FRS, Professor of Physics, University Manchester, UK, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution," Physics Bulletin, Vol. 31, May 1980, p. 138.

It is therefore right and proper to draw the attention of the non-scientific public to the disagreements about evolution.”   - W.R. Thompson, Director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, in the Introduction to the centennial edition of Darwin’s “The Origin of Species.”

No one, then, has ever seen one species change into another either in the fossil record or in breeding experiments.

'Darwin himself was unable to come up with a single indisputable case of one animal changing into another via ‘natural selection.’  

The more one studies paleontology, the more certain one becomes that evolution is based on faith alone; exactly the same sort of faith which it is necessary to have when one encounters the great mysteries of religion.” - Louis T. More, "The Dogma of Evolution," p. 160.

The evolutionist lives in a dream world in which any resemblance to the real world is lacking.” - Harold S. Slusher, “The Origin of the Universe: An Examination of the Big Bang and Steady State Cosmogonics,” 1980.

I had been duped into taking evolutionism as revealed truth in some way.” - Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist, British Museum of Natural History, "Evolution and Creationism," speech at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, November 5, 1981.

. . . the theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science.” - I. L. Cohen, “Darwin Was Wrong - A Study in Probabilities,”1984, p. 210.

one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science.” - Professor Soren Lovtrup, “Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth,” 1987 p. 422.

evolution we do not have one iota of fact . . . It is a tangled mishmash of guessing games and figure jaggling.” - Theodore N. Tahmisian, nuclear physicist, Atomic Energy Commission, quoted by Wayne Jackson, "Fortify Your Faith in an Age of Doubt," 1974, p. 37.

Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of being called hypotheses." - Norman Macbeth, "Darwin Retried," 1971, p. 147.

The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge, nor does it suffice for our theoretical grasp of the facts.” - Albert Fleischmann, Victoria Institute, vol. 65, pp. 194-195.

The idea of particles-to-people evolution does not meet the criteria of a scientific theory.” - Dr. Henry M. Morris, "Evolution Is Religion - Not Science," Impact #322, February 2001.

success of Darwinism was accompanied by a decline in scientific integrity.” - W. R. Thompson, introduction to "Origin of Species," by Charles Darwin, 1956,

The laws of physics - the laws of thermodynamics science - also contradict evolutionary theory . . . The scientific, experimental evidence which we possess thus speaks decisively against Darwin's theory . . .” - A.E. Wilder-Smith, "The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution," 1981, p. 6.

As the above make clear evolution is not science – it is a system of non-science and a cult of faith:

Evolution requires plenty of faith; a faith in L-proteins that defy chance formation; a faith in the formation of DNA codes which, if generated spontaneously, would spell only pandemonium; a faith in a primitive environment that, in reality, would fiendishly devour any chemical precursors to life; a faith in experiments that prove nothing but the need for intelligence in the beginning; a faith in a primitive ocean that would not thicken, but would only haplessly dilute chemicals; a faith in natural laws of thermodynamics and biogenesis that actually deny the possibility for the spontaneous generation of life; a faith in future scientific revelations that, when realized, always seem to present more dilemmas to the evolutionists; faith in improbabilities that treasonously tell two stories - one denying evolution, the other confirming the Creator; faith in transformations that remain fixed; faith in mutations and natural selection that add to a double negative for evolution; faith in fossils that embarrassingly show fixity through time, regular absence of transitional forms and striking testimony to a worldwide water deluge; a faith in time which proves to only promote degradation in the absence of mind; and faith in reductionism that ends up reducing the materialist's arguments to zero and forcing the need to invoke a supernatural Creator.” - R.L. Wysong, "The Creation-Evolution Controversy," 1981, p. 455.

There is absolutely no evidence for evolution. NONE.

The evidence does not support Darwinism. First, the fossil record turns Darwin's theory upside down. Second, no matter what we do to a fruit fly embryo, the only possible outcomes are a normal fruit fly, a defective fruit fly, or a dead fruit fly; no Darwinian evolution. Third, comparisons of molecules such as DNA do not provide support for Darwinian theory, but lead to conflicting conclusions. Finally, no one has ever observed the origin of even one species by Darwin’s process of variation and selection.” - Jonathan Wells, author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design" from a post on his profile page, June 27, 2007

If two dozen mutations are involved, it would require ten billion years, which is longer than the earth is old. There has not been enough time for all the changes of evolution to have happened. Something more than chance mutation must occur, he concludes. The mystery is, what?” - Marilyn Bailey, "Evolution: Opposing Viewpoints," 1990, pp. 91-92

These classical evolutionary theories are a gross over-simplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts, and it amazes me that they are swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long time by so many scientists without a murmur of protest.” - Sir Ernst Chain, Nobel Prize Winner, "Was Darwin Wrong?," Life Magazine, April 1982.

Most species exhibit no directional change during their tenure on earth. They appear in the fossil record looking much the same as when they disappear; morphological change is usually limited and directionless.   2. Sudden appearance. In any local area, a species does not arise gradually by the steady trans-formation of its ancestors; it appears all at once and ‘fully formed.’” - Stephen J. Gould, “Evolution’s Erratic pace,” 1977, p. 181-182.

No proof but plenty of fraud including inter-alia;

Haeckel was charged with fraud by five professors and convicted by a university court. His deceit was thoroughly exposed in Haeckel’s Frauds and Forgeries (1915), a book by J. Assmuth and Ernest J. Hull. They quoted nineteen leading authorities of the day. F. Keibel, professor of anatomy at Freiburg University, said that it clearly appears that Haeckel has in many cases freely invented embryos or reproduced the illustrations given by others in a substantially changed form. L. Rutimeyer, professor of zoology and comparative anatomy at Basle University, called his distorted drawings a sin against scientific truthfulness deeply compromising to the public credit of a scholar.” - James Perloff, “Tornado in a Junkyard,” p. 112

The theory of recapitulation was destroyed in 1921 by Professor Walter Garstang in a famous paper. Since then, no respectable biologist has ever used the theory of recapitulation, because it was utterly unsound, created by a Nazi-like preacher named Haeckel.” - Ashley Mantague, debate held April 12, 1980, at Princeton University, quoted in L.D. Sunderland, “Darwin’s Enigma,” p. 119.

Haeckel was exposed as a fraud in 1874 by Professor Wilhelm His. Nevertheless, Haeckel's fraudulent drawings (or similar representations) remain in high school and college biology textbooks to this day as evidence for evolution.

There is not one such fossil [transitional species] for which one could make a watertight argument. The reason is that statements about ancestry and descent are not applicable in the fossil record.” - Colin Patterson, Senior Paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History and editor of a prestigious scientific journal. Patterson is a well-known expert having an intimate knowledge of the fossil

The remains were acclaimed by anthropologists to be about 500,000 years old . . . over 500 doctoral dissertations were performed on Piltdown man . . . the jawbone actually belonged to an ape that had died only fifty years previously. The teeth were filed down and both teeth and bones were discolored . . . to conceal their true identity . . . Piltdown man was built on a deception which completely fooled all the ‘experts’ who promoted him with the utmost of confidence.” - Dr. Scott M. Huse, "The Collapse of Evolution," 1998, p. 137

thousands of examples of harmful mutations readily available, surely it should be possible to describe some positive mutations if macroevolution is true. These would be needed not only for evolution to greater complexity, but also to offset the downward pull of the many harmful mutations. But, when it comes to identifying positive mutations, evolutionary scientists are strangely silent.” - David A. Demick, "The Blind Gunman", Impact, no. 308, February 1999

Evolution is silent on facts, science, experimentation, observation, the fossil record, bio-chemistry, cell-formation, DNA code, Amino acid sequencing, RNA, Ribsomes, organ complexity...but besides all that it is 'science'.....


Ruggles quotes from thousands of 'scientists' and biologists who raise objections – reasonable, rational, measurable – against Darwinist dogma. At the very least anyone who has an open mind and a true desire to find out truth and science, should read this book and begin to seriously question 150 years of fraud and dogma.