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Monday, May 12, 2014

Temperatures have declined in the past 100 years

There is no globaloneywarming due to manmade Co2

by StFerdIII


Since 1880 the 'climate' has cooled. Since 1961 the temperature readings have shown a downward trend. There is in other words, no globaloneywarming, catastrophic climate change, due to Co2, emitted by man [what of the 95 % emitted by Gaia ?].


Globaloneywarming and the cult of weather, or changing climate, or mankind-as-a-virus, is in the main a human-hating pathology. Co2 is a trace chemical necessary for life. Time to end the scam, the billions of wasted tax dollars and shutter the Pretty Happy Dudes, their lies, ignorance and arrogance, along with media pundits and pathologically ill politicians.



The above graph is from Steve McIntyre's site, Climate audit [article here]. McIntyre has skewered, shredded and destroyed Michael Mann's hockey stick fraud.