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Friday, May 16, 2014

Socialized health care was a central plank of the Nazi-Darwinist cult

Unfettered access to all Germans with the power to improve 'the genes'....

by StFerdIII


 Part of National Socialism's appeal, was the 'free' and guaranteed 'benefits' offered by the State. Hitler and his fascists gave the population jobs, free-education, pensions, child-support, free day care, free-university and of course 'universal health care'. Socialized health care was a central part of the Nazi-Evolutionist dogma and cult. Socialized health would allow the Nazis to care for the 'health' of its citizens; but also permit the state to practice euthanasia, eugenics [practised at the same time in America and Britain]; and remove racially inferior 'genes' – all according to Darwinian 'science'. The Nazis always appealed to science and stated that the Catholic church for example, must be eliminated since it opposed evolutionary 'science'......