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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Nazis appealed to 'science' to sell their Fascism

Not much has changed.

by StFerdIII


Evolution is not only really stupid, it leads to fascistic socialist cults. The ultimate objective of evolutionary science-fiction is the eradication of bad genes, which offends the random chance mutations of species development; and the institutional development of a better race – all under the command of a cult supported by 'science'.

The Nazis screamed for example, that the Catholic Church had to be destroyed because Catholics opposed the 'science' of evolution. In 1942 the Church and the Bible were outlawed. The Church could only exist if it taught Nazi evolutionary-survival of the fittest race dogma; substituted Mein Kampf for the Bible; and supported Nazi policy. The same conditions had been applied to the Lutheran church in 1935. A Reich's church was to replace Judeo-Christian institutions.

The Nazis were supported by the German academic and 'scientific' elite. For 50 years German 'scientists' had 'proven' that algae had become the superior Teutonic/Aryan 'race'. Biology, morphology, genetics, naturalism and 'science' made this fact 'obvious'. Inter-alia;

-Jews and their defective 'characteristics' and 'attributes' made them mutational inferiors.

-Catholics and anyone else who did not believe that walking fish became a professor suffered from mental infirmity and had to be eliminated.

-Slavs, gypsies, gays, drunkards, down's children, cripples, the 'sickly', the 'weak', even the poor; all were examples of bad genetic development and a danger to evolutionary progress.  They had to be exterminated. 

-Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Indians, Aboriginals and non-Aryans had to be eliminated, since evolution had 'naturally selected' Aryan Germans in nature's war of 'survival of the fittest'. Morphology, culture, cranium cubic capacity, made this obvious.

The above made the elimination of sub-humans not only scientifically valid, but a necessity. The Nazis were doing the world a favour. Their policies were 'scientific', supported by 'scientists'.

The cult of science. Not much has changed since the 1930s.