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Friday, June 13, 2014

Evolution is not science, DNA and Anatomy make a mockery of Ape to Human theorizing

Darwinian cultish cant and dogma is not science.

by StFerdIII

 The cult of science [quackery] including that of evolution, which is propounded daily as a 'fact', surmises that humans are simply 'evolved' apes. Evolutionists base most of this illogic on two factors, neither of which is scientific or even remotely intelligent. The first is the intentional lie that human genomic software, or DNA, made up of 20 distinct amino acid building blocks, is the 'same' as the genetic material found in simians [or mice, or even tulips]. This evolutionary claim can be found in educational textbooks, the media and is widely held by atheist quacks who pretend to be scientists such as Hawking or Dawkins, neither of whom has performed a single scientific experiment in the past 30 years.

The claim by the cult of evolution is scientifically invalid. DNA dissimilarity is quite marked between humans and simians. Common-sense and any number of real scientific genomic investigations would reveal this. For instance:

The first was a study by Ebersberger et al., [2004] in which a large pool of human, chimp, orangutan, rhesus and gorilla genomic sequences was used in constructing phylogenies (multiple alignments analyzed in evolutionary tree format).30 The original pool of DNA sequences actually went through several levels of selection to preanalyze, trim and filter them for optimal alignment. First, a set of 30,112 sequences were selected that shared homology (overlapping similarity) between the five species. These sequences were aligned and only those which produced ≥ 300 base alignments were retained for another series of alignments and only the sequences that produced superior statistical probabilities > 95% were used in the final analysis...Despite all of this data filtering designed to produce the most favourable evolutionary alignment and trees, the results did not show any clear path of ancestry for humans with chimps or any of the great apes. What emerged was a true mosaic of unique human and primate DNA sequences; discounting any clear path of common ancestry. Perhaps the best summary of the research can be found in the author’s own words.

For about 23% of our genome, we share no immediate genetic ancestry with our closest living relative, the chimpanzee.

Thus, in two-thirds of the cases a genealogy results in which humans and chimpanzees are not each other’s closest genetic relatives. The corresponding genealogies are incongruent with the species tree. In accordance with the experimental evidences, this implies that there is no such thing as a unique evolutionary history of the human genome. Rather, it resembles a patchwork of individual regions following their own genealogy.”31

Even when evolutionists try to prove simian-human DNA similarity by outrageous rigging, they fail. The above summary is just common sense. A jet airplane did not 'evolve' from the People's Car of Hitler's socialist-evolutionist utopia, in spite of sharing some common materials.

And how about the male-Y chromosome? Evolution has nothing intelligent to say about it. Why and how would 'random chance' create the enormous complexity of both sexual reproduction and male-ness ?

[Hughes, J.F. et al., Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content, Nature 463:536–539, 2010.]

...male-specific region (MSY), a large region of the Y-chromosome, was compared between human and chimp. To accomplish this, a fair amount of resequencing had to be performed due to the fact that the chimp sequence in this area was fragmented and incomplete. The end result was 25,800,000 bases of highly accurate chimp Y-chromosome sequence distributed among eight contiguous segments. When compared to the human Y-chromosome, the differences were enormous. The authors state, “About half of the chimpanzee ampliconic sequence has no homologous, alignable counterpart in the human MSY, and vice versa.34

So DNA reveals that humans and chimps are not related and certainly not a part of an evolutionary tree. Better update the textbooks for the kids.

A second lie by the quackitists and quackademics is that 'homology', or similar skeletal structures, heralds a 'common ancestry', for apes, chimps and humans. This is inane. There is little similarity between apes and humans. The skeleton, the ear, the brain, the nervous system, the limbs, the hands, the hair cover, the sinew and muscle development are radically different. Worse for evolutionists is the fact that there are no links between apes and humans, either in the fossil record, or in observational science. There are however, pretty pictures, movies, and cartoon artwork portraying fiction as fact.

There has been no progression towards humanness in any of the linesafricanusrobustusboisei or the hyper-robust specimen commonly known as the Black Skull (WT 17000). In fact, between the afarensis finds dated at over 3 Ma and the habiline OH 62 at about 1.9 Ma, we find only evolutionary stasis! Africanus is believed to have become extinct around 2 Ma, robustus/boisei about 1 Ma; and the only hyper-robust specimen WT 17000 is believed to date from about 2.5 Ma.” [source]

Any analysis of the fake-missing links with humans reveals no similarity in intent, structure or usage. The cranium capacity, the facial angle to the cranium, the pelvis, the limbs, the ear, whatever you want to measure or analyze is different between simians and humans. But don't let real science or observation get in the way of your evolutionary cult dogma and beliefs.



Large cranial capacity

Small cranial capacity

Flattish face

Prognathous face

Short arms, long legs

Long arms, short legs

Anterior nasal spine

Nasal spine absent

Generally steep forehead

Little or no forehead

Small canines

Large canines

High rounded cranial vault

Low cranial vault

No diastemata

Diastemata present

Little body hair

Thick body hair

Bipedal locomotion

Quadrupedal locomotion (usually)

    Face to Cranium Angle Brain Size



400 cc

A. afarensis


350 cc

A. africanus—(Sts5)


450 cc

A. aethopicus—WT 17000


350 cc

A. africanus—(Sts71)


400 cc

A. boisei


455 cc

H. habilis—(ER 1470)


750 cc (?)

H. habilis—(ER 1813)


750 cc (?)

Homo erectus—(a human)


900–1250 cc

For example the ear of a human has nothing in common with that of an ape or chimp, indicating that simians including the frauds called missing links, do not, and cannot walk for long periods of time. They are quadrapeds:

Spoor’s team concentrated on the part of the vestibular system known as the semicircular canals—three bony tubes which curve through the bone that underlies the external ear.

These canals have a lot to do with balance while locomoting erect. Spoor and his team, using high-resolution computerised tomography, scanned a large number of specimens, ..None were ‘intermediate’. Spoor’s team believes that the australopithecines might have balanced on two legs when standing, rather than when moving,just as chimps do when gathering food.

The most interesting result was from the scan of a H. habilis specimen, Stw 53 from Sterkfontein. Spoor says:

It’s very difficult to interpret; the only thing that the labyrinth suggests is that [H. habilis] is less bipedally adapted than the australopithecines. It looks much more like gibbons, maybe, or like baboons, certainly not a human pattern [emphasis added].” [Shipman, P., Those ears were made for walking, New Scientist 143(1936):26–29, 1994. ]

Apes have little in common with humans. Evolution's fictitious missing links have a lot in common with fraud.

Evolution theology is not science. It retards the development of knowledge and impedes real scientific investigation and understanding. Your cult dogma might tell you to hate humans, burn the religious, demonize the spiritual, and deny the immaterial. Good for you. If you are so deluded that is your business. But don't parade around stating you are smart, rational or scientific when you are immersed in nothing less than cultish belief, ignorance and of course wanton mendacity. Science does not support evolution.