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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Software, coding, data fraud in the cult of Warm's criminal scam

idiots who know zero about IT should not be making models and applications....

by StFerdIII



If you build IT systems you will know some facts about models, programs and coding:


  1. Software code and applications are best built by professional engineers – not 'scientists' or amateurs. All code must be tested, quality assured, and documented. I would bet the US National debt that none of the cult of warm's software code has gone through a professional development and testing process.

  2. Models must be detailed, starting from the database model to the application level. I have not seen one single publicly available data model for the cult of warm's various applications. This means none exist, which tells me that they have no idea what they are doing and that since no diagrams, models or entity-relationship diagrams exist; they are making up their data output.

  3. Data inputs have to be 'cleaned', 'scrubbed' and filtered for anomalies. Since the cult of warm will not release 1) and 2) above, it is highly unlikely that they have documentation and explanatory diagrams identifying data sources, and why they are reliable.

  4. Statistics. If you remove say 40% of a data set and declare it 'missing', and then infill it with 'estimations', it makes the entire resulting data set bogus. This is just common sense. If a sales manager is looking at a sales report and you tell him, '40% of the information is missing so we guessed and filled it in....' he will scream that the report is useless. And so it is.


Incompetence, fraud and lack of IT rigour is NOT science. It is FRAUD.


Temperatures since 1890 have cooled by 1 C. But the government – especially the US and the UN IPCC – have declared an unceasing rise in globaloneywarming. They cool the past and heat up the current. This criminality is now declared by the media to be scientific.



Goddard's well proven data analysis: “The animation below flashes between 1975 National Academy of Sciences temperatures and 2014 GISS temperatures.

From: Tom Wigley <>
To: Phil Jones <>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <>
It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with “why the blip”.


1975 NAS Report (Temperature graph on page 148)

ScreenHunter_807 Jul. 04 08.50