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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The unbridled Fascism of 'Climate Change' or Eco-Communism

Another failed Marxist cult.

by StFerdIII




Climate Fascism. A Neolithic cult devoted to Gaia. Anti-humanist, anti-human, irrational, devoid of science, full of corruption fraud and immorality. A trace chemical 20 parts per million, necessary as plant food and therefore for life; one small derivative from a complex convection system of 1 million variables within climate is to 'blame' now for 'weather'. Every day is the hottest. Every year and decade the 'warmest'. The number of 'weird weather events', catastrophic. All lies and fraud of course. The cult of Gaia is simply a rehash of failed Communism married with the most extreme intolerances of Nazism.

Peter Foster on the Climate Fascists

Marxism was based on the claim that humanity was under threat of permanent immiseration from capitalism. In fact, capitalism has proved the greatest force in history for lifting people out of poverty, but its success is rooted in freedom and voluntary relationships, which are anathema to power-hungry moralists. On Tuesday Mr. Obama recited a laundry list of climate policy initiatives, but failed to acknowledge that the biggest contributor to reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions is the revolution in hydraulic fracturing carried out by the industry he wants to condemn to oblivion.

Like Marxism, climatism has no positive vision other than that it is preferable to a projected world of misery and chaos. Marx has been derided for vaguely suggesting that Communist society would make it possible “for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner.” (Note the complete absence of industrial activity in this Utopia).

Similarly, climatism offers nothing but the vague prospect of perhaps making documentaries about wind and solar in the morning, shopping for local produce in the afternoon, checking NGO anti-fracking tweets in the evening, and calculating carbon footprints after dinner.


Eco-Fascism is as ugly as Nazism or Communism. It is a life-threatening, civilizational-ending charade of dystopian stupidity mixed with evil inhumanity.

The original Marxist-Climatist was of course a Swedish Quackitist named Arrhenius. Much beloved by the media he was declared the greatest climate quack in the world circa 1913....He predicted that by 2000 the world would have 'warmed' 8 C and most northern countries were going to become tropical paradises...whoops. Arrhenius' problem was that he did not use vivid imagery and fables of doom to fear-monger the little people into obeisance of Gaia and her ruling cult. Scary stories are needed to frighten the peasants into accepting global-Climatist/Marxist rule. Without the 'end of the world' dogma, 'Climate Change' will simply be another Communal/Communist failure.

The Pueblo Leader – Jan 28, 1913

One of the greatest scientists in the world is Arrhenius of Sweden. He is a chemist and physicist, and has studied this matter. He shows that this proportion of carbon dioxide in the air will make the climate warmer, by acting like the glass root’ of a green house. With the carbon dioxide increased from two and one-half to three times, the temperature of the whole world will he raised 8 to 9 degrees centigrade-—and Greenland will have a good climate for farming. All the good soil of Canada will be in as temperate a climate as that now enjoyed by Missouri. Corn will be grown in the Peace River Valley. Oranges will be an orchard fruit in Arkansas and Virginia. The suburban residents of Chicago may literally sit under their own fig trees and scuppernong grape arbors. Cotton will he a stable crop in Iowa. Bananas will fringe the shores of the Gulf. Siberia will become the greatest farming country in the world. The great Antarctic continent–one of the greatest on earth in extent—will be the Western Canada, the Scandinavia, the Siberia of that day, and will have millions of people. Alaska will be as warm as Maine now is.


So much for Climate-Change predictions. In 2000 we were told that winters would 'end'. Today we are told that winters due to warming will be much worse. Oh well. The 1913 predictions of 'Climate Change' were as dumb as those of 2014. Maybe knowing that some people 100 years ago were just as stupid as many today might make one feel better.