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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bio-chemistry makes a mockery of Evolution

Nano-complexity by chance?

by StFerdIII

 The cult of evolution. Apparently randomness leads to structure. Chance to complexity. Luck to perfect design. Natural selection – whatever that means – to a metamorphosis at the same time, of complicated inter-related biochemical systems. I would put more stock in Lord of the Rings being a factual history, than in flat worms getting together and naturally selecting to become a Climate-Fraud-Scientist, or a quack-teaching Marxist dialecticism. Indeed it could be argued that a flat-worm to your average quackademic is devolution not evolution.


Some riddles for the cult of Darwin, the cult of Hitler [an evolutionary premised racism]; the cult of Stalin [see Lysenko] and the modern cults of anthropology and paleontology:


-The most important aspect of DNA is that it is software and information. Indeed a common plant operates as a localized intra-net between the roots and leaves, with information being exchanged in a chemically based email system. Such informational design cannot be built by chance. And that is just a plant. Fauna are immeasurably more complicated.


-DNA is unstable and completely disintegrates in bone structures at 25C within 22.000 years. Instability and complexity of DNA means it is impossible to have been randomly produced in the non-existent 'warm soup' in some pre-biotic age.


-The mathematical probability of forming DNA just to operate a microbe is less than zero. Add to this the fact that DNA needs amino acids and RNA but is the software code which produces the same, means that the inter-related nature of bio-chemical processes makes it mathematically impossible for even a simple 1 celled creature, to form its own software systems.


-DNA repair machinery cannot be explained by randomness, nor by natural selection. Yet without the array of repair technology DNA code, or genetic material, would mutate into degradation and disuse very quickly.


-Matter needs energy to be alive, and ATP Synthase is the motor of energy for every cell. How would such nano-technology be developed by a chance process ? ATP cannot be built without DNA code. Yet DNA code cannot function without ATP.


-Many enzymes are needed for the cell to function, but they would kill ATP in isolation. In other words an isolated ATP Synthase would destroy ATP not create it.


-RNA and proteins are even more unstable than DNA meaning that the 'protein first' cult is ignoring bio-chemical reality. RNA would not 'survive' even if it was 'created by chance' in a soupy mixture. It would be dissolved and destroyed without the panoply of other cellular material it needs.


-Bacteria contain more information in their DNA systems than does a modern car – and they, unlike an automobile – maintain homeostasis and can reproduce.


No one should take evolution seriously until the theory itself conforms to bio-chemical facts. In other words, reality and real science must take precedence over cult dogma.