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Friday, December 12, 2014

Darwin's Dissenters. Surely the cult will punish them.

Some honest scientists still exist.

by StFerdIII


As J.Y. Chen, the Chinese paleontologist and Cambrian era expert stated: The Chinese are terrified of criticizing the Communist party. In America, everyone is terrified of criticizing Darwin.


The non-science cult of mud-to-men; exploding dots which led ineluctably by naturalism to the entire universe, constellations, planets, comets, Suns, stars, and the Earth with its millions of perfect variables for life; not to mention bio-chemical nano-technology and the 10.000 books of DNA software within a 100 trillion cell human.....


Some scientists are perhaps getting the idea that chance and mutations which kill cellular information systems, will not lead to anything, no matter how much time you add.


A website titled ‘A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism’ ( has a list of about 900 names of scientists who question whether the small changes that we do observe from mutations and natural selection operating on the existing genetic information in living organisms, can be extrapolated to explain all the complexity of life. In other words, how can it explain molecules-to-man evolution?


We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”


Darwinism is hand-waving metaphysics not science. It is also funded by the state since it demolishes a center of opposition to state power, namely the Church and by extension the family and further, reason itself. Statists have every vested interest in proposing that hydrogen and helium by accident, created everything.


We can predict the derivatives of their skepticism. A loss of government funding. Ad hominem attacks. Obstruction from publication in any journal in their field of study.


Such are the crude tools of revenge that cults employ.