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Friday, February 13, 2015

Evolution is a Fraud and Non-Science.

Offending science and common sense.

by StFerdIII

 What is Evolution?

Evolution has 2 basic parts:

  1. The creation of life from non life. In the beginning there was nothing, then suddenly an irruption of all matter emanated from a tiny dot, releasing hydrogen and helium, which then somehow formed everything in the cosmos.

  2. The metamorphosis of 'simpler' life forms, created from non-living material, to more complex life forms billions of years after the 'big bang' of nothing erupted into chemical gases.


Darwin's magic friends:

    In the Evolution science fiction, bacteria and single celled creatures, somehow 'mutated' or morphed into more complex life forms, via time, chaos and genetic alterations. Over an infinite amount of time [now 4.5 billion years, surely this will only go up drastically]; the bacteria slowly became the 100 trillion celled biologist. In this story, the geology, climate and development of life is gradual, slow and uniform. Nothing much changes. There is no drastic geological impacts, no floods, no disturbances and there should be plenty of 'transitions', proof of genetic mutations adding information, and overwhelming proof of metamorphoses.


Evolution offends basic science:


1) First law of thermodynamics states that matter and energy cannot be destroyed, but are transferred to other states. Fossil fuels can be changed to mechanical energy for example. This contradicts evolution which believes that matter can change form and substance, and that matter and energy can appear from nothing.


2) Second law of thermodynamics states that all systems – closed or open – are subject to the physical laws of increasing entropy, or destruction. That is all systems, be they open or closed, will simply collapse. Evolution proposes the opposite. In evolution systems arise from nothing, and go on forever. The Sun purportedly 5 billion years old, is known to be shrinking [entropy] 0.1 % per annum. Systems do not last billions of years, especially those which use and emit energy. Your house, your body, your car, your playroom, your computer, all degrade without maintenance and are subject to the entropic principle. Long age Darwinism is a theory not fact.


3) Complexity. Single cells are more complex than urban centers, yet we are to believe that the incredible complexity of DNA, RNA, Amino Acids, neurons, electrons, neutrons, ribosomes, proteins, the cell wall and much else besides....are all from random chances and the mythical 'natural selection' by organisms of these manufacturing-like processes and functions. Complexity cannot arise by chance or chaos.


4) Mutations are genetic defects not additional software information. There are 5.000 or so diseases which afflict mankind, all due to mutations. Mutations rarely add any value. In fact 99.9% of the time they are neutral or negative. X-Rays and chemotherapy 'mutate' your cells, but no one with a brain believes that they are beneficial. Not one single experiment has been performed by evolutionists showing a multitude of beneficial mutations which can transform one species to another. Not a single one.


5) DNA is software code and proteins are manufactured. The human has 10 million proteins and over 1000 books of DNA software code, coordinating 100 trillion cells. No where has anyone proven that the manufacturing of Amino acids by ribosomes and their arrangement with 20 bases to choose form, in a functional sequence of 300, to form an average length functional protein can happen by chance. DNA as well is software information, and evolution has never proven that software can be coded by random chaos, or by the mythical 'natural selection'. If your cells don't have the DNA code, you can't magically select that form and function.....


6) Geology. Contrary to Evolution the geological record of the Earth is one of catastrophe, especially flooding. Across the world, the entire chaotic jumble of the strata clearly indicates catastrophism, not uniformatarianism, or slow gradual change. No evidence whatsoever exists for the 'columns' used by the cult of Evolution. Artifacts such as the Grand Canyon can only be created by a massive amount of water condensed in space and time.


7) Salt concentration in the sea water is 35 parts per thousand. We can calculate the entry and exit [via spray, condensation etc.] of salt into seawater. If the Earth was indeed 4.5 billion years old, the concentration of salt would be hundreds of times higher than it is.


8) Fossils provide further evidence of catastrophes and no evidence whatsoever, of intermediary species in transition from one form to another. The famous Cambrian explosion of 540 million ya in which all the phyla existent today appeared; has never been explained by Evolutionists, except with lame theories of 'punctuated equilibrium' where rhetoric replaces common-sense. In this argument, the implausible explanation is that life suddenly appears, and then development goes into stasis. So evolution is slow, except when it is that sharks do not change in 300 million years, but somehow humans evolved out of lemurs or apes during the past 6 million......


There is plenty more wrong with the Darwin's cult of dogma and cant. Science is about proof, evidence, reasonableness, rational inquiry, experimentation and confirmation of results and observation. Science is not story-telling, dogma, propaganda and government funding of anti-humanist cults of fiction.

Evolution has not even come close to proving itself as science.