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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Darwin's magic friends and going from grass to humans!

Apparently the 'science' is settled. We are related to grass....

by StFerdIII


Evolution 'science' was adamant not long ago that grass evolved after the Dinosaurs went extinct due of course [as it always is with the Darwinists] a big rock hitting the earth 65 million years ago. Grass supposedly 'grew' from non-grass chromosomal material just after the large rock obliterated some, but not all, of terrestrial life. Grass of course has always existed, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence would know intuitively that herbivores would need grass, plants and other vegetative material. This shocking insight is apparently a conundrum for the cult of Darwin.


But new evidence leaves the evolution textbooks with a dramatic grassy ‘time-travel’ conundrum. Researchers have discovered fossilized dinosaur droppings that contain the remains of at least five types of grasses.1 This means that not only did grass already exist at the same time as dinosaurs, but (at least some) dinosaurs also ate it.2 But how could they have eaten something that supposedly hadn’t even evolved yet?

As one of the researchers commented, the discovery of grass phytoliths (silica bodies found in plants) in dinosaur coprolites (fossil dung) ‘was a complete shock’.3,4 So the new evidence will force a dramatic revision of evolutionary theory about the origin of grasses.”


Evolution is not science. According to Atheists and Evolutionists grass would have transmutated into animal life form. That is after all, the entire 'tree of life' beginning for the cult of Darwin. Algae and pond scum would have magically changed into a crude single and then multi-celled form as the basis for animal life [via the flat worm], then onwards to the human via the reptile, small mammal, and lemur. At some stage the algae-pond scum also magically mutated via 'allele shuffling' and other rhetoric into vegetation, long pre-dating the rise of simple animal life forms. In other words the various branches in the fictitious tree of life, all trace back to vegetative cell life. This has to be true, given the diversity of life forms, ancient and modern which depend on vegetation to exist !


In other words, humans are related to grass ! According to Evolution 'science' and its own 'cladogram' [more rhetoric], humans 'evolved' from very crude structures of vegetation ! Amazing ! Darwin's magic friends took single celled algae and created a 100 trillion cell complexity of software, information and code ! Magic friends indeed.