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Saturday, May 23, 2015

DNA mutations mean that the Human species must be 20.000 years or less in age

Species go extinct because the code becomes unusable.

by StFerdIII

 The bio-chemical impossibility of turning microbes to 100 trillion cell men, is so overwhelming that the widespread propagation and acceptance of the false, non-scientific paradigm of Evolution can only be attributed to a state backed system of corruption, fraud, and un-professionalism, tied to money, tenure, power and theology. As Feynman the physicist remarked back in the 1950's, much scientific data and value is lost due to the 'tyranny' of the reigning scientific paradigm. So it goes with the theological world-view of Evolution. Far from advancing science, Evolution has stopped, corrupted, and disabused science. Along with globaloneywarming or blaming complex convection climate systems on plant food; Evolution has eradicated the memes around science; namely objectivity, truth, and honesty.


Consider mutations in DNA software and information code. Genetic material, made up on codons is a coded language. Code does not arise by chance. According to Evolution theology, mutations add value and new genetic information. Somehow, during the embryonic process, Evolution posits that new software code is inserted, due to the mythical hyperbole of 'natural selection' [selecting from what ? Either you have the code or you don't]; and 'survival of the fittest'. Not one single experiment has injected via natural processes, new genetic information during the embryonic development of any species. Not one single lab proof, let alone natural proof, can be offered that software DNA code is magically inserted to provide new information. None.


Instead in the real world, mutations are seen to cause damage and degradation. The 2nd law of thermodynamics applies to all systems, be they open, closed or hybrid. If your cat dies and you toss him onto a sun filled field, he will not be resurrected. All the parts, software code, and organs are present. The energy of the Sun means nothing, except to induce a faster rate of material and flesh decay. Energy does not add software code.


It is now known that Human DNA accumulates about 90.000 errors over 6.000 years. This is about 2-3/100 of 1 % [or slightly lower than plant food as a % of atmospheric gas by weight, which causes globaloneyclimatechanging]. Within 6 million years of less, 3% or more of Human DNA would be inoperable, and the software system of DNA code would fail. The Human species would become extinct.


But it is far worse than that. In reality software systems are interdependent. One module will depend on another. One relationship inside the code, is intertwined with another. Many to many relationships exist in software and within Human DNA. Parent-children relationships are common within the code, along with master-slave coding organization. DNA has these same dependencies and complexities. Affecting one piece of the code can affect the greater system. All software engineers know this.


For instance, if you damage via mutations, certain micro-RNA genes linked to diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, colorectal cancer, prostrate cancer and other cancerous afflictions, the amplification of damage to a select part of the DNA code is widespread and immediately deleterious. Likewise if via mutations you destroyed part of the genetic code which handles system backups, repairs and maintenance, the effects are far -reaching and immediate.


Given the complexity and inter-dependency of the DNA information system, mutations accumulating at 90.000 or so per 6.000 years, would mean that in 20.000 years the Human species would become extinct. This is because the 300.000 or so DNA mutations have a cumulative impact much greater, on the order of roughly 10-20 times. We see this in software systems today. A small bug or mutation can bring down an entire Web system such as Amazon, with its entire 20 million lines of code affected by a small % of bugs. In the Human, 3 million DNA mutations would effectively shut down whole parts of the system. Operations ranging from immune defense, to cell repair, to blood clotting, could and most likely would be arrested.  This means that the Human species is likely no older than 20.000 years. 


Evolution is in the main a belief of ignorance. Its theology demands that you blindly accept that 'mutations' add value. They don't. They destroy. In reality the software system within the Human DNA structure means that there is no chance you evolved from a common ancestor of the chimp or lemur; and there is no chance that your software is 2 million years old. None.