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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Globaloneywarming. A cult of the corrupt and the brain dead.

No science. Just another human-hating fascism.

by StFerdIII




The human-hating, civilization-loathing, corrupt, cult of Gaia. No science, but plenty of stupid, fraud, power mongering and insanity. Why ? Consider that the cult of warm fails science, fails rationality, fails common sense, fails observation and fails factual data:


-Co2 is plant food, necessary for photosynthesis, a process we still don't fully understand. Without Co2 there is no life. [here]


-Co2 is a trace chemical. Trace chemicals by definition fall out of primary processes. [here]


-Co2 is 4/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gas by weight. It pales in comparison to water vapor [70%]. Such a rounding error natural chemical cannot cause anything. [here]


-Co2 has no correlation whatsoever with climate. In times past it has been higher and lower with wide variations in climactic conditions. [here]


-Co2 is a cooling agent [here].


-Mother Gaia emits 95% of Co2, so apparently in order to save her, we should kill her. [here]


-The earth has cooled since 1880. [here]


-The Arctic is not melting contrary to the lies of the cult of Globaloneywarming. [here]


-The industry around Globaloneywarming receives about $50 billion p.a. in funding. Money, propaganda and lust for power and relevancy is what drives the hysteria. [here]


-The earth is not a simple 'greenhouse' as the Gaia propaganda claims. It is a complex convection system subject to cosmic, regional and thermodynamic influences. In fact it is impossible to model 'climate' for a small region, let alone the world. [here]


-Science is never settled, especially when it is not science but philosophy as in the case of the cult of warm. [here]


-The propaganda of the cult of Warming or Changing, has long been divorced from facts, science or real climate. [here]


-Computer models have long been proven to be frauds [here]. Climate Gate emails in 2009 and 2011 proved that the academics and politicians pushing AGW were committing fraud with criminal intent. [here]


-Michael Mann's erasure of the Medieval warming and cooling periods was long ago proven to be a direct and purposeful fraud, premised on bad data, forced algorithms, and absurdly little factual science. [here]


-None of the dire predictions by the cult of Warm has ever come true. None, including the melting of the Arctic [2014], the end of winter [2010], and 2 billion climate refugees by 2010. [here]


-The earth's temperature is cooling and the number of warm days is dramatically less than in the recent past. [link]


The goose stepping cult of Gaia. A brain dead cult of fraud, non-science and desperate fascism.