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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pope Frank, the anti-science water-carrier for the Cult of Globaloneywarming

Another illiterate in the Papal chair.

by StFerdIII



Fr. Sirico who is president of the Acton Institute wrote a good article in the WSJ, titled: The Pope's Green Theology. In his assessment he describes Francis as a man ignorant of what capitalism is, and what it has achieved:


The solution here—one which did not get enough elaboration in the encyclical—is a path for economic progress. Wealth creation can diminish poverty, and poverty and despoliation often go hand in hand.”


In the past 30 years 600 million people have been taken out of poverty, due to trade, capital formation, job creation and wealth accretion. Not bad. Marxism and Socialism accomplished the deaths of 150 millions and the initiation of 3 World Wars (if we include the Cold War). Capital formation and markets liberate, educate and protect.


Fr Sirico: “Yet capitalism has spurred the greatest reduction in global poverty in world history: The number of people living on $1.25 a day fell to 375 million in 2013 from 811 million in 1991, according to the International Labor Office. This is only one statistic among reams of evidence that vindicate capitalism. An honest debate among experts will lay this canard to rest.”


Entirely correct.


I would go much further than Fr Sirico, diplomat, scholar, and gentleman that he mostly likely is. Francis is a Latino Pope, suffused in historical revisionism, a hatred of Yanqui capitalism (whatever that word might mean, and it is usually portrayed as something it is not); ignorant, mired in the relativity of Vatican II and quite illiterate about science, though I am told he is a 'chemist'.  


If Frank knows anything about chemistry he might consider that a trace chemical 4/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gas by weight, falling out of the hydrological process, which is part of a million variable convection system, subject to thermodynamics and which is plant food, 95% coming from Gaia, is not a toxin, and the human emitted 5%, as defined by math and science, cannot be a problem. In fact given that in times past Co2 was much higher than today, and the climate has been both hotter and colder than today; it is obvious that there is no correlation between plant food and climate. Further, the Climategate emails released in 2009 and 2011, highlight the criminality of this Earth-cult, its non-science, its data fraud and its predilection for money and power.


Pope Frank and The Vatican are thus anti-science, anti-reason, anti-human.


Given the myths around Galileo – a committed Catholic, who was funded by the Church, but whose own math and proofs did not support heliocentricity (his main contention was that tidal patterns were such a proof) – it is odd that the Church now becomes anti-science. Galileo was wrong. The Church asked for proof and Galileo ignorant of the math to support elliptical orbits (Kepler another Christian solved it), could offer nothing but insults. This is why he got himself into trouble – not because of science.



In summary Frank's encyclical is all rhetoric to place the Church on the side of 'science', yet in this case, AGW is one of the greatest frauds in history.  By siding with AGW Frank is one of the greatest frauds in Papal history.