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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cult of Abortion - murdering humans is now 'progressive' and a 'right'

Ripping apart living humans for 'tissue' - is anything more barbaric ?

by StFerdIII


When your culture tells you in the vein of the ridiculous nostrums of Epicurus, Lucretius [On the Nature of Things, or rather, On the Nature of the Science Fiction of things]; or the racist-non scientist Darwin; that humans are apes, some form of lemur, or an evolved reptile related to grass, then of course abortion is fine. Any abortion. Any time, at any age. Even killing new borns is merely a form of nature's amoral reality, and murdering a new born baby is merely a choice if not a right. Who is to say it is wrong? There is no right and wrong. Epicurus and Darwin said so. The ancient pagans murdered their babies, and they were 'the height' of civilization. So the peasants are told.


According to the cult of Epicurus-Lucretius and Darwin, humans are evolved lemurs, related to pond scum. Killing them will please the earth Mother. She will smile. Blood propitiation cleanses our sins. The holy church of Darwin will be appeased. Sacrificing the defenseless, the sick, the old, the human baby is a matter of 'rights' and 'choices'. Women have a right to kill the infant human, just as society as a right to murder old, crippled, diseased 'eaters' [as the Nazis called those who life was terminated due to age or illness]. Killing old people who are defenseless or confused is now called Euthanasia. It must be scientific, the naming of the murder is so resplendently intellectual.


Planned Parenthood receives billions of dollars every year to murder some 300.000 babies. It is the crux and cause of their organization; with abortion the main impetus as to why Margaret Sanger the Atheist-Racist, set it up. Across the world, infanticide, murdering babies, disposing of old people, and even 'eliminating' the very sick, is now deemed 'scientific'. Sometimes the bodies of the babies or the old are used as energy [in the UK for eg.]. Modern Nazism. That is all it is.


Video 7 as show on LifeSiteNews: Baby with a beating heart having his brains pulled out. Welcome to 'survival of the fittest', little human. No need to worry about your rights is there?


 Articles which everyone needs to read on this Fascist cult named Abortion, which does not 'save female lives', but certainly ends the lives of the innocent and newly created. LifeSiteNews