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Friday, February 19, 2016

Inflation and the ending of cash money

All to hide currency debasement.

by StFerdIII

 Inflation is real – not deflation. MSM and the elite preach the opposite. They are absurd of course. Consider:

1970, Average US home price $20.000 [typical bungalow]

1970, Average US income $10.000 p.a.

Ratio: 2:1

2016, Average US home price $300.000 [typical bungalow]

1970, Average US income $50.000 p.a.

Ratio: 6:1

Currencies are debased, leading to price inflation. Wages have gone up, but not nearly as much as prices for goods, commodities, homes, or comestibles. Debt has soared in all areas of society – governmental, corporate and personal. The world is literally awash and drowning in debt. Debt ratios compared to income, 'GDP' [a fictitious spending calculation]; or per person, have risen astronomically since the end of the gold standard in 1971. Debasing the currency is standard Keynesian-Monetarist dogma, as is lying and using false models to justify their policies.

It costs 1.7 cents to make a penny and 8 cents to make a nickel, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. The U.S. government loses tens of millions of dollars every year putting these coins into circulation.

Why is it wasting money and time making coins almost no one uses? Because phasing out the penny and nickel would mean acknowledging currency debasement. And governments never like to do that. It would reveal their incompetence and theft from savers.

This isn’t new or unique to the U.S. For decades, governments around the world have refused to phase out worthless currency denominations. This helps them deny the problem even exists. They refuse to issue currency in higher denominations for the same reason.”

Governments will outlaw cash. This is to hide real inflation and make money a virtual reality, untethered to economic reality. This is not 'extreme', nor an illusion of a conspiracy theory. In order to keep their lies hidden, their rhetoric substantiated, and to keep the fraudulent system of printing, spending and accruing debt alive; they will need to turn money into a fiction, and make sure that the peasants don't realize how debauched the currency and monetary systems are.

Even though the Federal Reserve has devalued the dollar over 80% since 1969, it still refuses to issue notes larger than $100.”