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Friday, June 17, 2016

The Nitrogen cycle and the processes of Life are not explained by the cult of Evolution

No science to Evolution, just lots of story telling.

by StFerdIII


An Atheist who apostasied from his cult and left the dogma of Darwin ascribes his investigation of real science, as the main impetus. Meaning he could find precious little within raging Atheism and Naturalism, that was either factually premised, or scientifically literate. Trained in biology he offered up the Nitrogen cycle, which is one of many complex cycles necessary for life, as one example amongst many, that Darwinism has no hope of explaining [Transformed by the Evidence, p. 78].


'Nitrogen is important for all organisms, and is used for protein building, DNA/RNA production, and other crucial chemicals needed for life. This nitrogen cycle is a highly complex system that requires a minimum number of parts, mostly creatures, in the right place at the right time, with the right equipment.....


  1. Nitrogen gas (N2) makes up 78 percent of the atmosphere, but is in a form that plants can't use. The first step of the cycle requires that N2 be changed into ammonia (NH2)...this has to take place in oxygen-less environment...plants like clover, provide oxygen-free chambers on their roots called root nodules. A special protein is also needed in order to help carry excess oxygen away, so that it will not interfere with the reaction. What is incredible is that plant and bacteria cooperatively manufacture this protein and coordinate production rates and amounts by communicating with each other.

  2. A different group of bacteria, and sometimes fungi, carry it to the next step and change ammonia into nitrate (NO2) and then nitrate (NO3).....

  3. A new group of microbes change nitrate back into nitrogen gas that can be released in the atmosphere....without these organisms, nitrate could build up in the soil and make it toxic for life.

  4. Nitrates made in step 2 are easily absorbed into plants where they convert it back to ammonia in order to make other important compounds, such as those required to make proteins.

  5. There exist huge numbers of bacteria, fungi, and others that break down waste products of life and, in so doing, nitrogen is continually recycled.'


This is just one cycle within the vast complexity of life, which in total must reside, as a matter of logic, millions of variables necessary for life to exist. The development and usage of nitrogen just by itself as a never ending cycle and program, is simply astounding. Hundreds of millions of bacteria are involved, along with plants, in an intricate manufacturing process, reliant on transforming a gas into life giving nitrates. Within this industrial process, advanced chemistry is deployed by both flora and fauna to transform nitrogen gas into something useful, and even to recycle faeces and waste from fauna.


The mathematical probability of this one process, arising from chaos, emerging from a soupy pond, undirected, without purpose, over time and through 'mutations', impelled by 'natural selection', into this cycle of affirmed inter-dependence and industrial production which is mandatory for life to exist, is less than zero.


No wonder this Atheist biologist left his cult. Evolution explains next to nothing. It does produce pretty pictures and engaging fairy tales. The Evolutionist cult member cannot explain this process, other than by saying, 'it exists, therefore it evolved'. This is the standard church dogma trotted out by the High Priests of Naturalism. Of course to publish their 'science', they add a lot of impressive words in a 3000 word monograph outlining how nitrogen is turned into gas. An example is here from Britannica:


'Nitrogen is one of the elements most likely to be limiting to plant growth. Like carbon, nitrogen has its own biogeochemical cycle, circulating through the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere (Figure 5). Unlike carbon, which is stored primarily in sedimentary rock, most nitrogen occurs in the atmosphere as an inorganic compound (N2). It is the predominant atmospheric gas, making up about 79 percent of the volume of the atmosphere. Plants, however, cannot use nitrogen in its gaseous form and are able to assimilate it only after it has been converted to ammonia (NH3) and nitrates (NO3). This reductive process, called nitrogen fixation, is a chemical reaction in which electrons are picked up from anothermolecule. A small amount of nitrogen is fixed by lightning, but most of the nitrogen harvested from the atmosphere is removed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cyanobacteria (formerly called blue-green algae).'


The entire Britannica piece is about evolution. But nothing is mentioned in the Naturalist theology about how carbon or nitrogen cycles arose.


  • What created the process ?

  • What created the chemical transformation technology used by plants and bacteria ? How did that 'evolve'?

  • Why would 'selection' favour such processes, or bacteria which communicate with plants for example ?

  • How did this communication develop from nothing ?

  • For plants and bacteria to exist wouldn't other complex processes need to be in place for them to originate ? Where did they evolve from ?

  • How did plants know to grow root nodules to remove oxygen which would destroy the entire nitrogen gas transformation process ?

  • Etc


Britannica, as with all things Naturalist, has no idea.