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Sunday, June 21, 2020

BLM and the anti-White Fascists

Racist, Marxist, part of a New World Order

by StFerdIII


BLM – just another Marxist-Fascist Group dedicated to overthrowing freedom.  Racist to its core with its anti-White, anti-Jewish messaging and beliefs.  Violent, intolerant, illiterate. 

A founder of BLM admits that they are trained Marxists and violent socialists.  Racism is just a bait used to cower the gullible and stupid.  The real intention of BLM is to end freedom, impose statism, and as the Brownshirts did for Hitler, aid their political party they either influence or partially control (Democratic Party in the US, the Labour Party in the UK, the Liberal Party in Canada), take permanent ownership of society – with the BLM agenda shaping policy.