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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ministries of Truth(s) and the Holy Trinity of The New Religion

State. Scientism. Drugs and Vaccines.

by StFerdIII



In the rewriting of reality, history, and the disavowal of real science, culture, heritage, civilisational development and faith, the Ministries of Truth have issued the following effluence over the past 60 years, sometimes in bundles, sometimes alone, sometimes with bodyguards, sometimes with violence, sometimes subtly, sometimes with impunity, but always with egregious amorality and mendacity.



Thou shalt have no other god than the state.  The state has taken over education, health, media, ‘science’, and offered itself as the sole guardian of truth, life, and information.  The larger the state, the more ‘moral’ the population.


2-Science is your second God

Thou shalt have no second God but ‘science’.  The scientocracy is the only way to ‘rationally’ organise the human’s affairs.  Given that most humans are pace the establishment, ineffably mentally ill and insipid, it is up to government and the scientocracy to manage all matters of existence, and in the name of ‘science’ all must obey.


3-Christianity must be destroyed

Judeo Christianity which produced the modern world must be destroyed.  The French Revolution, Communism, Nazism, and Humanist cults targeted Judeo-Christianity for destruction.  The magnificent corpus of Christian morality, thought, philosophy, science, invention, and compassion must be ripped down and replaced by the cult of the state and ‘science’. 


4-Whites are racist savages

White civilisation has not produced anything of value, and if by chance it has, it was founded on racism, exploitation and rapine of superior non-Whites.  In this context Whites must be eliminated, their countries invaded and saturated by non-Whites, who in their tens of millions will enrich and teach these illiterate and contemptuous Whites civilisation and morality. 


5-Humans are apes or worse

Humans are not unique, not endowed by a creator, but simply a product of chance and colliding molecules, no better than a chimp, probably much worse, and akin to a toxic virus.  Eliminating humans en-masse is necessary to appease the earth mommy and restore balance.  It is preferable that Whites are eliminated first.


6-Humans are destroyers

Not only are humans not unique, but humans also don’t build, innovate, love, empathise, moralise or engage in meaningful activity, graced by a higher power, with a purpose.  Humans are a disease without a purpose, raping, plundering and annihilating the earth mother and eradicating all other life forms causing species extinction.


7-Human emitted plant food is a toxin

An example of human devastation is the emissions of plant food or Co2 which is 4/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gas by weight and necessary for life, with 95% emitted by the earth mommy.  However, the evil human emission of 5% of the .04% is causing chaos, destruction, disease, changing weather and climate patterns and the end of the earth mommy.  The only solution is depopulation.  It is accepted theology that Whites are most toxic of the plant food emitters.


8-Vaccination is your third God

The third God of the holy trinity is of course the stab of mRNA poisons.  It is now accepted ‘science’ that natural immunity can never end viral pandemics in which 99.8% of the population survive, most of that number completely unaffected by the viral pandemic.  The only solution to keep people ‘safe and healthy’ is to inject experimental pesticides into muscular areas to combat a pneumatic virus.  When this ends in the deaths and injuries of millions, it is ascribed by the ‘science’ to a ‘variant’ mutation of the original viral load, in which for example, 300.000 such variations exist for the normal flu.


9-Salvation lies in drugs and ‘science’

They holy baptism of being stabbed, confers immortal salvation on the religious who is confirmed in the Church of Corona and ‘Science’.  The salvific grace of ‘science’ ensures a life of deep knowledge and insight and an after-life of purity and pleasure.  Those outside the Church of Corona and ‘Science’ are often heretical, damned, disbelieving Untermensch who must be marginalised if not killed. 


10-Heteronormity is evil

There is no such thing as a Y chromosome or mitochondria DNA, and no such thing as only male or female genders.  Such concepts are irrational and hateful phobic constructs imposed on others by Christians.  They militate against free will and choice.  In fact, hetero-normal males, especially Whites, are stupid, racist, violent and without merit.  State and scientific salvific grace flows to a wide variety of what was deemed mental illnesses, the gay, the transgender, the polygendered, the hermaphrodite, all applauded and celebrated as clever, free, superior and moral.


11-Families are phobic creations

Normal families are rancid Christian creations who by default are opposed to unlimited state power over their children, sexual abnormality now deemed normality, and interventions by superiors including science, government, experts and the sexually liberated, to manage the details of their miserable existence.  The family is anachronistic, and it must either conform to what the state demands, or be dismantled.


The Ministries of Truth(s) issuing forth a cascade of fraudulent data, fake studies, unscientific ‘science’, endless philosophy parading as fact, desire the complete subjugation of the individual into the Holy Trinity of the State, ‘Science’ and Drugs.  Only then will heaven be realised and the potential of polygenders actualised.