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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Tardia. 2029 and the Scam is still on-going. Meet the Tards.

A society of confused imbeciles and sheep

by StFerdIII


The HSA or Health Security Agency in the UK is charged with public health prevention, pandemic preparedness and ‘research’ on how to stop ‘future pandemics’.  A wide range of useless projects funded by taxpayers and printed money bloat their expanding organisation, including sniffers in human waste systems, and cough-boxes in public spaces where you will cough and the box based on your voice modulation waves, will identify you as a sufferer of some pox and tell you to isolate and phone the authorities.  These are systems of control and could be tied into a ‘health and safety’ database where your freedoms are granted on complying with stabbinations, masking, and being sufficiently terrified of a 0.1% IFR event.


2029 and it is just a few more weeks to flatten a curve. 

HSA Agent: Hello, is this Mrs Rona Tard?'


Mrs R.T.: 'Yes this is me'.


HSA Agent: 'This is A. Twit from the HSA Emergency Health Task Force. To verify, are you married to a Mr. R. E. Tard?'


Mrs R.T. in a worried voice: 'Yes this is the Tard household, is there a problem?'


HSA Agent: 'An emergency in fact. Our faeces and urine sample analyser has confirmed that your household is issuing great quantities of Corona 2029 GQ.5.6.A.v.1 variant RNA material. Do you know what this means?'


Mrs R.T. in a trembling voice, 'Oh dear me. Are we infected? Are we going to die?'


HSA Agent in a soothing voice: 'Mrs Tard listen to me. Given the gravity of your health situation, you cannot leave, you are officially quarantined, and you need Jab updates, 34, 35, and 36 immediately'.


Mrs R.T obviously shaken, 'Oh no, this is terrible, is it just for myself or my husband as well? How could we get this variant? We always were tripled diapered, we never socialised, and we avoided crowds?'


HSA Agent in a commanding voice; 'It must be for both of you. Mrs Tard we have tracked your movements for the past 3 weeks and we noticed you went to an Opera, a bridge club game and twice to the local Pub. Obviously these are hotspots for the spread of this pandemic. But don't worry our Pfizer-NHS agent will be there shortly to save you with the updated injections'.


Mrs Tard, relieved, 'Oh my dear agent, thank you, thank you for caring about us. Thank you for saving me.  None of us are safe, until we are all safe.  You really are a terrific institution. What would we do without you?'


HSA Agent now bored: 'Of course we are Mrs Tard. Now, you stay home, do not answer your door except to allow our hazmat suited Pfizer-NHS colleague in, okay?'


Mrs Tard with a happy inclination: 'Why yes of course, whatever you say, whatever you want, we will do anything you want, thank you so much'


HSA Agent sighing: 'No problems Mrs Tard, please try to be more careful. Good day'.

 A Twit puts down his phone, confirms the Tards will comply and adds that to his total for commission.  Rubbing his head he smiles, amazed at just how stupid people are.