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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Climate Cult and the Vatican

A replacement of religiosity is it not?

by StFerdIII 

Picture below.  COP 27 in Sharm el Shaikh-Down Egypt.  Near the conference a Climate cult devotee smashes 2 tablets with the 10 commandments on what may have been Mount Sinai in the Old Testament (that location is disputed).  A religious statement echoing the fury of Moses with the rebellious Israelites.  It perfectly encapsulates the religious cult of climate change and their impatience with tearing down the modern world.  Communists and Fascists have had the same religious demands and impatience in ripping apart the existing order and the erection of a new order.



The church of Climate

At its core the cult of Climate Change is a religion.  Full of dogma, possessing Old and New Testaments, recycling past prophecies of doom, extolling the divine miracles of a trace chemical which controls all life, emboldened by a true-believing caste of priests and clergy who dutifully declaim the dogma, and who regale the church of the faithful with stories of miracles and climate apparitions.  The Climate cult of course opposes the heretics, those who oppose the religion of Co2-creates-climate-devastation and who must be beaten, tortured, humiliated, and even burnt, their books, their names, their persons, their parchments, their writings and heresies destroyed.  The new god of climate, the terrible, Manichean Co2 does not allow false idols to be worshipped including one assumes, the Christian God.

Climate hell

‘Climate Change’ scream the prophets of Gaia, repent, sacrifice yourself, burn for Gaia, destroy your world they shriek, rending their clothes and slaughtering more sacrifices of humans and their futures.  Only the elect and the anointed will be saved from the hell of climate.  The afterlife of glowing heaven, seated one assumes at the right hand of Co2, awaits the climate penitential.  The rest will burn in climate hell.  This ‘climate hell’ is a millenarian cult and has its roots in pre-history.  In the past 100 years the climate-hell has included ice ages, intolerable warming and now ‘changing’.  The hell of climate heresy seems to be quite mobile and mutable depending on the year and decade. 

Vested Interests

An entire panoply of vested interests has arranged themselves to build the Climate Change Church.  The United Nations, World Economic Forum, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Institute, World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace and other non-governmental organizations are some of the obvious apostles of climate doom, using fake data, apocryphal studies and observations, and an endless stream of propaganda.  They work alongside and with an endless array of governmental agencies dedicated to climate-geddon and the usual regiments of ‘mainstream media’ always ready to offer a helping hand of propaganda to get the end of the world messaging out to the masses across their various, interconnected and similar platforms, often times as they did with Corona, using exactly the same words, quoting the same few ‘studies’ or ‘journals’ that they deem to be ‘professional and reliable’ as given to them by their pay-masters and Lords.

The religiosity of Scientism

The one foundation of the climate-cult and indeed of all cults of ‘scientism’ is to use the word ‘science’ followed by ‘experts’ and ‘consensus’ in order to elicit obedience and compliance.  It matters not if the data is fraudulent, the methodologies laughable, the analysis childish, the statistical methods used without merit, or the conclusions twisted beyond meaning.  No one wants to be against ‘the one and only consensus science’ now do they?  The fact that there is no science, and no consensus around ‘climate’, rarely makes an appearance within any system of information exchange, ‘media’, education or governmental policy creation.  In reality none of the claims purporting science or consensus are true (see below).  The religiosity of Scientism is entirely a political project.

The Catholic Church could learn a few things from the Climate cult and its Church on information dissemination and marketing.

Christ and False Prophets

What does ‘climate change’ mean?  The four seasons?  A change over time in summer intensity?  A windy day?

In general, the term Climate Change is amorphous and means nothing which is the intent.  But we can see what it is at its rotten cultish core.  In essence we have an anti-modern, millenarian, self-flagellating and quite incoherent cult dedicated to de-industrialisation and the overthrow of the modern economy, erroneously termed by some as ‘capitalist’.

The climate ‘change’ cult has the qualities that Christ discusses about false prophets and their lies in the following gospel by Luke:

Then people will say to you, ‘Look, there he is!’ or ‘Look, here he is!’ Do not go out or chase after them. For just like the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. (Luke 17.23–24)

Then the disciples said to him, “Where, Lord?” He replied to them, “Where the dead body is, there the vultures will gather.” (Luke 17.37)

He said, “Watch out that you are not misled. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them! (Luke 21.8)

Now at one point the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God was coming, so he answered, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed, nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17.20–21)

Christ states it clearly.  The world is not ending soon.  The end is not nigh.  Do not be deceived by false prophets and false claims.  Follow them not.  Trust in God.  Use your own reason.

These are tenets that the Christian churches have long abandoned as they chase down every current ‘thing’ and try to make themselves relevant and popular with the secular, uncritical thinking mass, who in most respects, despise the Churches.  Instead, the anti-science position of the Churches and secular powers over ‘climate’ will simply result in the destruction of the modern world, the modern economy, jobs, society and life itself.  Long before this happens, Church attendance and taking the CC seriously will decline precipitously amongst the orthodox.  It is a mad scramble to global destruction, and irrelevancy, not salvation.

The Vatican

The Catholic Church and Vatican have no expertise whatsoever, in complex climate convection systems, carbon cycles, or industrial affairs.  None.


Yet The Vatican supports and funds the Climate hysteria with nary a dissenting voice within the Church. As with Corona, all must comply or be removed.  Why would an institution not follow ‘science’ and listen to both sides, or three or four sides and remain neutral?

It is absurd that a Catholic institution is yet again on the wrong side of real science and history (the Galileo affair or the Bruno affair had nothing to do with ‘science’), akin to the Church in Germany doing little to oppose Nazism, or until John Paul II, doing little to oppose Communism.  The CC was of course fully compliant and red in the tooth for the Corona totalitarianism and the complete destruction of society over a 0.03% Infection-to-death rate flu virus (less than that of the annual flu).  The CC was paid by government to submit to Corona diktats and it censored debate.

Though the Vatican may not openly call for depopulation to save Gaia, it has offered unwavering support to the totalitarian intentions of the United Nations and World Economic forum (see below), with the current Globalist Pope issuing the encyclical, Laudato SíOn Care for Our Common Home where he states, “Climate change is a global problem with grave implications.”  Bergoglio even calls upon world leaders to “listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, who suffer most because of the unbalanced ecology.”  The Vatican wants a sharp reduction if not demolition of the modern economy.  How that would save Gaia or help mankind is never explained.  The wealthiest countries are the cleanest, most environmentally aware.

The ’climate-crisis’ allows the Vatican to support the unending invasion of Europe and the UK by ‘climate refugees’.  The ‘climate catastrophe’, is the catch all excuse to repopulate the UK and Europe with Muslims, Asians and Africans.  The UK has seen over 100.000 ‘asylum seekers’ so far this year alone, with the climate-hysteria mainstream news linking the invasion to climate.  This says nothing of legal, or quasi legal immigration trends as well.

As Cicero asked, ‘Cui bono’?  Why would the CC support not only the destruction of Gaia (modern industrialised societies are far cleaner than non-industrialised societies), but also the demographic recreation of ancient states?  Is the point a One World Government with the Vatican as an important but ultimately, minor player?

What happened to the Church’s confidence, emblazoned in the heart of St. Boniface when in the 740s, evangelising amongst the Saxons, he chopped down their divine tree to prove that it was just wood and not a God?  Today, St. Boniface would be forced by the Vatican to kneel and pray to the sacred tree and declare its lasting divinity.