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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Global Cooling not Globaloney Warming.

A new ice age is soon upon us.

by StFerdIII

With fascistic little minds so busily concerned with 'global warming' what will the little dears do as the evidence becomes rather obvious that the earth has cooled in the past decade by 0.4C? Will the little eco-marxist lemmings demand more carbon energy usage? Perhaps the creation of gigantic satellite heaters warming up the earth from the troposphere? Huge warming coils snaking around the globe to heat those areas traumatised by cold? Perhaps they will establish a world body called 'The World Cooling Commission'; where comrades will organise the rest of us to fight the great cold peril? Will little Mother Earth need a warm hat? [Junk science]

The earth is getting colder not warmer. So what will the busy little eco-fascist minds do? They will ignore reality! Too much money, emotional effort, scamming of taxpayer money, and outright deceit has already been invested in globaloney warming! We can't change now! Some links supporting global cooling can be found here, but don't worry the busy little globaloney warming fascists and their narrow minded friends won't read them. Too many big words, and too many scary scientific things in the articles you see. Yikes!:



Cooling not warming

Solar activity

NASA skeptics

Junk science links

Some excerpts:
2002: “Two studies of temperatures and ice-cap movements in Antarctica suggest that the Southern Hemisphere's "canary" isn't going down without a fight – key sections of the ice cap appear to be growing thicker, not thinner, as previously believed. And the continent's average temperature appears to have cooled slightly during the past 35 years, not warmed.

“At least, that is the conclusion of Robert W. Felix, the author of "Not by Fire, But by Ice: The Next Ice age Now" ($15.95, Sugarhouse Publishing, Bellevue, WA). Piling scientific fact upon fact, Felix notes that, "We're beginning to realize that earth is a violent and dangerous place to live. We're beginning to realize that mass extinctions have been the rule, rather than the exception for the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on earth."

There's environmental propaganda and then there is hard, cold science. No pun intended. Here's what Felix writes:

"Then, about 11,500 years ago, the ice age ended. And it ended fast. As the world grew warmer, tropical animals moved back into Europe, and the barren tundra filled with trees once again…It was a global sweep of death-mass extinction-destroying not only the mammoth, but some 75% of all of America's larger mammals. But why only the big ones? And why so fast?"”

“"[Russian study]By the mid-21st century the planet will face another Little Ice Age, similar to the Maunder Minimum, because the amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth has been constantly decreasing since the 1990s and will reach its minimum approximately in 2041," he said.

The Maunder Minimum occurred between 1645 and 1715, when only about 50 spots appeared on the Sun, as opposed to the typical 40,000-50,000 spots.”

“Soon after, temperatures went into a cooling trend and by 1975, Gray points out, there was talk of a coming ice age. The Earth does have natural cycles of cooling and warming - during the past 740,000 years there have been eight cycles with four ice ages. The cycles appear to be tied to slight variations in the tilt of the Earth toward the sun.

During the last ice age - which ended about 10,000 years ago - Earth was on average about 4 degrees Fahrenheit cooler, and what is now Manhattan was buried under ice. At some point the Earth will wobble on its axis again, setting the stage for an ice age.”

”The ice cores tell us that variations in the sun are constantly warming and cooling our planet. The big Ice Ages come about every 100,000 years. The warm interglacial periods like our own last about 10,000 to 12,000 years.

Through it all, however, runs the moderate, natural 1500-year climate cycle that raises temperatures about 2 degrees C above the mean for 750 years or so—and then abruptly drops the temperatures 2 degrees C below the mean (at the latitude of northern Europe).”

Cooling or Warming?

Recent 2007 Canadian, British, and American studies have concluded that the earth, outside of urban areas, has gotten colder by 0.4 C. Essex and McKitrick in their book 'Taken by Storm' quote other studies which disparage the unprofessional and unscientific models, methods and temperature gathering techniques used by the Globaloney Warming fanatics including the assinine placement of their sub-standard thermometers in almost solely urban centers near heat shafts, on roofs, and other areas of warmth attraction.

Simply put the Globaloney Warming scam is a non-scientific attempt to regulate all activity – business, energy usage, and consumer choice. It is a pagan cult, where the individual will be subsumed into the mass and ordered around like a little robot; to follow orders, pay higher taxes and become brainwashed. The goal is to produce billions of Winston Smith's drinking gin and living in 1984.

Nirvana it would never be.