Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pay attention: Globaloney Warming, causes Cooling, which causes record cold and snow.

Believing in magic has more basis in science.

by StFerdIII

The great minds of the Eco-Fascist cult – those purveyors of haute science and uber intelligence – keep changing their story about Globaloney Warming. First, it was the lack of snow and ice during the winter and all the golfing going on in January in Norway, which proved that man was heating up the dear mother earth. Now apparently, it is the very fact that the world has recorded some 1500 snow and ice records just in the past two months, which proves that Co2 causes warming, which then of course, quite rationally heats up the atmosphere, causing water vapor increases, which finds its way into more snow and ice storms. All proven by 'science' you understand. Well maybe not. It would appear to the tutored layman that Haitian voodoo magic has more of a connection with reality and science, than the desperadoes and mafia operating the Globaloney Warming scam. How dumb are these people and how dumb do they think the average person is [answer; very] ?

Since the world has cooled noticeably in the past 10 years; and experienced a cooling phase between 1945 and 1975 which created of course the Global Cooling mongering; the Climate Fascists have to come up with some other scare tactic explanations. So now the really smart people are suggesting that Globaloney Warming of course causes more storms, more snow and more ice......

“There, meteorologist Jeff Masters makes a convincing argument (with data and numbers and everything) that recent blizzards are in fact corroborating the global warming theory.

As the climate warms, evaporation of moisture from the oceans increases, resulting in more water vapor in the air.
There are two requirements for a record snowstorm:
1) A near-record amount of moisture in the air (or a very slow-moving storm).
2) Temperatures cold enough for snow.

It's not hard at all to get temperatures cold enough for snow in a world experiencing global warming. According to the 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, the globe warmed 0.74°C (1.3°F) over the past 100 years. There will still be colder-than-average winters in a world that is experiencing warming, with plenty of opportunities for snow.

The more difficult ingredient for producing a record snowstorm is the requirement of near-record levels of moisture. Global warming theory predicts that global precipitation will increase, and that heavy precipitation events—the ones most likely to cause flash flooding—will also increase.”

Got that?

Co2 emissions warm up the planet due to the greenhouse effect [the earth is not a greenhouse of course unless you are a Leftard but no matter]. Water moisture builds up in the upper atmosphere, thanks to these massive levels of Co2 increases. As the earth warms, parts of the earth will still be cool not yet warmed, therefore as fronts move in from colder climes they will collide with this increase in Co2 generated water and vapor and presto ! you have a massive snowstorm. So maybe these Eco-idiots can explain why the snowstorms seem to hit all sorts of places from Korea, to China, to West Russia, to Texas, to Buenos Aires, to Calgary......if the world is in general, heating up as they suggest.  And why wasn't 1998 the year of the worst snow storms, since apparently according to the honest, moral, scientific, and intelligent UN, it was the warmest year in the earth's history  ?

The fact that Co2 does not cause anything is a scientific fact. The Earth is not a greenhouse and ergo there can be no forcing of water vapor causing global cooling. There are over 1 million impact variables in the earth's convection system. The most common climate is an ice age – a reality completely divorced from Co2 levels or human activity. The sun has more to do with climate patterns than human activity.

No one from the Marxist-Globalist Globaloney Warming cult can explain the creation and the ending of the last ice age. Nor can they posit why Co2 levels which are at their 2nd lowest level in the last 2 million years have any ties to temperature, in spite of local climactic conditions and physical thermodynamics – both of which disprove 'global temperature' as utterly meaningless. The cult can't explain local variations or why the IPCC fraudalent data confirms that the earth is cooling, not warming. IPCC models [26 of them], have proven utterly futile at predicting any real world climate events or temperatures – a fact again left unexplained by the Eco Fascist cult.

But never fear, feminists and Leftards not only blame snow and ice records on warming, they also identify Co2 man made emissions as the culprit creating earthquakes, hurricanes and storms. Witness the Joy Behar show, where radical Fembot Marxist Behar interlocks with general ignoramus Ensler, she of the execrable, 'Vagina Monologue' fame:

“ENSLER: Well, I just think the idea that she doesn't believe in global warming is bizarre.
BEHAR: Every scientist at every note believes in it but Sarah Palin doesn't believe in it.
ENSLER: And I think we just kind of have to walk around the world at this point and look at what is happening to nature and earthquakes and tsunamis.
BEHAR: Right.
ENSLER: And weather changes to just feel it. But I think that idea that she doesn't believe in global warming and she could actually run for vice president, and we have a country where that is possible, it seems insane.

BEHAR: It's unbelievable. It does seem insane and the fact that she has not negated the possibility of running in 2012.
ENSLER: But we have. We have negated the possibility of her winning.”

Behar and Ensler must be utterly stupid. They are the sellers of the insane, not a 'sceptic' like Palin. Tectonic plate shifts and magma explosions from deep inside the earth have nothing to do with human activity or industrial emissions. Even a grade 4 student would know this. But these two twisted mentalities get to appear on TV and spew their idiocy. One can only hope that the dullards watching their 'show' don't vote.

The Globaloney cult is getting more desperate and more distanced from reality. The scam has been revealed. The die-hard Leftards and Marxists will not however, go peacefully into the good night of oblivion. Mutations, changes, lies, distortions and voodoo magic parading as science will issue forth from the media, the politicians, the globalists and the UN – a cabal of narrow minds, unscientific superstition and corruption.