Not many care too much about the Great Man's [Prophet Obamed of course] choice for the rather adolescent moniker of 'Science Czar'. But they should. Holdren is just another example of the radicalism which is now in Washington. Non-scientist John Holdren is an extremist 60s hippie who as an academic, wrote a ridiculous textbook first published in the 1970s called 'EcoScience: Population, Resources, Environment”. The non-scientist claimed that government had to manage family size and birth rates, since “Compulsory control of family size is an unpalatable idea, but the alternatives are much more horrifying.” Alternatives such as life, progress, and personal choice. Yes very horrifying for Holdren and people like Obamed.
Holdren revised the text in 1977 with eco-alarmist and Malthusian fear monger Paul Erlich and his delirious wife. The Erlich's are well known ecolypse cult members and have been wrong on every prediction they have ever made. The Erlichs – along with L Ron Gore the eco whore in his book 'Earth in the Balance' – predicted inter-alia: population explosions and resulting mass famines; the end of the oil supply; the destruction of all of the Amazon; the complete exhaustion of all materials including copper, zinc, lead and gold; Globaloney Cooling; and the eradication of most of the earth's flora and fauna species. None of these have proven prescient or were even remotely intelligent even during the 1970s hippie-flower child ethos of Gaia love.
Meanwhile Holdren along with these seers and prophets, was penning during the 70s and 80s, the execrable and anti-humanist notion that, 'an abortion is clearly preferable to adding one more child to an overburdened family or an overburdened society, where the chances that it will realize its potential are slight...' Come again ? Adding children is immoral ? Sounds like an episode from a bad TV sitcom.
Consider the arrogance of that academic inspired gibberish written by the Ivy League trained Holdren who at that time was in his mid-30s. Who decides if the family or society is overburdened ? [Answer Holdren and the elite] What is meant by the statement that a child born in the 1970s cannot realize his or her potential ? [Answer, Holdren et al. will decide what its potential could be and act accordingly] Would that include for example his own children ? [Answer, no the elite are always exempt from their own rules]
The hatred for humans runs throughout Holdren's writings – beliefs he has always supported until recently when his execrable textbook was revealed by bloggers and picked up by Conservatives on TV and talk radio. His response was 'well that was three decades ago...' Not really. He publicly espoused the same during this past decade. Holdren has been the most vociferous backer of government funded and unfettered abortion in the US along with Obama. As a Senator Obama had the most radical and pro-abortion voting record in US history. He and Holdren are soul mates when it comes to destroying the fetus and human life. No wonder Obama and Holdren are such good friends.
In fact Holdren has always promoted coerced abortion. He believes that the government should actively kill fetuses, “compulsory birth control methods would need to be implemented when massive famines, political unrest or ecological disasters make their initiation imperative.” This neo-white imperialist paternalism is directed at less developed countries. But even in the US government enforced abortion might become necessary, “...Population control may be no panacea, but without it there is no way to win.” Holdren believes that the dear Mother Earth is running out of all varieties of materials and 'stuff' and that the end at some point will be reached when the human population must be 'culled' and reduced. This activist and genocidal doctrine is openly espoused by Globaloney Warming fear mongering fascists including Holdren, the UN, Porritt who is Prime Minister Brown's Eco adviser, and extremist Mother Earth cults such as the Sierra Club or Friends of the Earth. For these people, the human is a virus and a disease, not a higher living form. Ergo killing humans is not a matter of morality and conscience, but one of expediency, an act which is mandatory to support Mother Gaia.
Holdren, like his best friend Erlich, is a Malthusian. The concepts of Malthus are little more than illiterate prophecies from an occultist. Like Marx, Malthus never used real data, science or common sense in formulating his reductionist theories. Enhanced food production, productivity, wealth creation and indeed, the very idea of a modern world economy and trade system, never imposed themselves on the little mind of Robert Malthus. They also have no real impact on the littler minds of Malthusian devotees including Erlich and Holdren. For this Marxist determinists the human cannot adapt, create or solve problems as they arise. All is dialectical. Ergo populations must go up and the food supply will be static. Even a high school student would be embarrassed by the poverty and illiteracy of such an assessment.
Holdren is also part of the Globaloney Warming cult. This ties in perfectly with his hatred of human life and addiction to government mandated abortion. Globaloney warming has many facets, but one of its key tenets is an utter distaste for humans and life. This naturally opens up the possibility of mass fetus exterminations, and the reduction of the human herd through selective murder. All to reduce carbon emissions and save Mother Gaia. Holdren and his friends will be the ones of course, deciding who lives and who dies. It is highly unlikely that they will pick themselves or their families to be amongst those sacrificed for the good of Mother Earth.
Holdren is a 'Science Czar'. Quack and human-hating Czar would be more appropriate. The man is a dullard. He has never contributed anything to make life better, promote child welfare and hope, or ensure that the modern world can care for those who are born into it. His solution is simple Nazism – abort fetuses, and kill those who threaten to over populate Gaia. How can such a mental midget be a 'Science Czar' ? Answer: this could only happen in an Obama administration.