Society should enshrine freedom
When people forward liberating policies such as increased individual responsibility and personal accountability the media and most non-governmental groups flinch. They declare that society owes its members a guaranteed living ensuring individual welfare. What this facile argument ignores are some fundamental moral, economic and spiritual facts.
Morally societies do have a mandate to protect the weak, the wounded and suffering. However egalitarian measures through enforced taxation are not the best means of doing this. By freeing up more disposable income and lowering the tax rate we would see;
In our programme
More private charity. Currently Canadians contribute far less to charity than Americans (on a per capita basis). Some reports cite a per capita gap of 10 times. Fifty years ago private charity relief constituted 30 % of all poor relief efforts. Today it is less than 1 %
More net revenue dollars for the government. It is no secret the bulk of Canadians hide their money or disavow earnings at tax time. The reasons are obvious and legion and entirely rationale. Why declare income or not over represent expenses in a society obsessed with taxing every aspect of life through direct or indirect taxation and regulation. By eliminating or lowering taxes for both business and individuals, tax cheating would dissipate, and revenues would rise
Investments through increased personal disposable income would increase. This is critical if Canada is to close its productivity gap with the USA. If we do not close this gap our standard of living will continue to fall. By encouraging saving and by extension investments into stocks, markets, businesses and bonds, we will expand our capital markets and make it easier for firms to access liquid capital, angel capital and longer term fund capital needed to innovate and ensure capital investments drive productivity.
The Moral Equivocation of Socialism
Freedom and responsibility and individual accountability will lead to important spiritual and moral benefits. In fact these benefits are even more important than increasing the health and vibrancy of our economy. Consider;
Separatism and regional discontent only grew into political maelstroms AFTER government sponsored regional development programs began. This is especially true with Federal funding of Quebec separatism.
Two Premiers, Harris and Klein, have stated that Ontario and Alberta cannot afford to indefinitely subsidize the inefficient statist economies of other provinces.
Atlantic Canada has seen a number of reports outlining that government handouts, welfare and regional programs have in fact retarded economic and social development.
Entitlement payments have bred deep into the civic consciousness the attitude that 'government will take care of me'. The moral spinoffs of disassociating oneself with responsibility are;
Broken family units
Health abuse
Abuse of public agencies and programs of all types
Selfish myopic citizenry
Lower productivity and unprofessional work habits
Socialist policies, regulating and over taxing our citizens creates an apathetic, turgid population, expecting to be cared for. Services, income, and abilities should be as different by region as they are different by person. To enforce uniformity and welfarist doctrine on a population is immoral. It breeds civic mediocrity.
Consider the immorality of a system where 20 % of the population pays 90 % of the taxes and yet 'soak the rich' is a common theme in Canadian politics. Though compared to the USA we have very few rich individuals.